Questions tagged [hybridization]

The crossbreeding of organisms of distinct varieties (breeds, species, etc) by sexual reproduction.

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Are epicanthic folds a dominant trait?

My state (Tripura) originally had a mostly mongoloid-feature-possessing population (ethnic group: Tripuri). Recently a large number of non-mongoloid people (ethnic group: Bengali) have migrated to ...
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Genetic differences between Africans and non-Africans due to cross-breeding with Neanderthals?

It is estimated that soon after the "out of Africa event" there was some interbreeding between Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis. All non-African peoples are thought to have ...
Agerhell's user avatar
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What are haplotype blocks and what is the effect of hybridization on these?

In this PDF, there is a quick definition of haplotype blocks. A haplotype block is a set of closely linked alleles/markers on a chromosome that, over evolutionary time, tend to be inherited ...
M. Beausoleil's user avatar
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Partial Contribution By One Parent

For flowering plants, what might cause the genome size of offspring from a cross between 2 diploid parent of differing genome size to reflect only a partial contribution by the larger genome size ...
John Perkins's user avatar
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How related do life forms need to be to produce hybrids?

Specifically, I'm asking about infertile hybrids like ligers, mules, camas, etc. How closely related do animals need to be?
Dead Knight's user avatar
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Help identifying a bug which looks like a housefly and mosquito hybrid

I'm from Kochi, India (southern part of India). I found this bug inside my house , it was about a centimeter long . But how can such an hybrid be possible. (It was raining before I found it). 1: https:...
Nikhil V Nair's user avatar
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Why are some bird hybrids fertile?

So, we all know that hybrids are infertile, that's the definition of a species, but how come some parrot species can interbreed and still be fertile. For instance a military macaw and a blue and gold ...
Rowan Blackwell-Cronie's user avatar
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Standard notation for crossings (female, male)

Is there any standard for the notation of a crossing (hybrid) which tells me which part is the mother and which is the father? Example StrainA: egg cell ...
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