Questions tagged [isoforms]

Isoforms of proteins are differently spliced versions of a protein which are different in length. Isoforms can have different regulation and functions.

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-1 votes
1 answer

Does gene isoform have different genetic location?

I would like to understand how a gene is assigned to a specific coordinate (e.g. NOC2L Chr1 879583(Start) 894679(End)). Next, let's say NOC2L gene has a few different isoforms, do those isoforms ...
Andreas Adinatha's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What are the differences between isozymes, allozymes and isoforms? [closed]

As far as I have understood Isozymes are derived from different genes but perform similar functions Allozymes are derived from the same gene but different loci, functionally conserved Isoforms are a ...
Rajinder's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Gene and Protein isoform

What is the relationship between term "Gene isoform" and "Protein isoform"? Say a gene can make 3 isoforms, will it produce only (maximum) 3 isoform protein?
d.putto's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Why and how does uniprot list around 150,000 proteins in the human genome?

Using organism:"Homo sapiens (Human) [9606]" as a query in uniprot returns about 146,000 proteins. I was under the impression that there were only 20-25,000 protein ...
James's user avatar
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minimum ratio of the shortest isoform to the longest one derived from one same parent gene

I want to know what is the minimum percentage of the shortest isoform/transcript to the longest one that derived from the same parent gene? Does it have organism specificity? What is the function of ...
pengchy's user avatar
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2 answers

Can intron become exon in alternative splicing?

From this image We can see several exons that are actually introns in other genes. It's not a really a different gene, it's an alternative splicing of a gene. My background is not biology so is it ...
Bharata's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

What percentage of protein isoforms have different functions?

I am looking for studies on how many protein isoforms have different functions, preferably in human. We know that a great many, if not most, of human genes are alternatively spliced and that many ...
terdon's user avatar
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