Interesting and thought provoking. Though I am curious why you wouldn't think plants and animals are conscious. Maybe they aren't self aware like you are self aware, but if a lionlioness preserves herself to tend her cubs, is she not aware of the fact that things can exist or no longer exist? That life can be lost? No matter at what level you may perceive, this realization in her will trigger an emotion ( chemical reaction) which in turn will give her the fortitude to continue to survive, or as we sometimes see in nature, to not. How are we different? I hate this cut off that I see. " if it doesn't do it on the level that we do it then it don't do it at all". That's silly, if you believe in an evolutionary development of genetic material how can you not believe that emotions and awareness have levels of development too? Sounds a bit like the "chosen one" complex. Once you take that road, youryou're a hop skip and a jump from the creationist and 6000 year old earth.