I'm a very naive and biologically illiterate person, and from what I've read on the internet I'm not really sure I understand the difference between pulse
and blood pressure
. I'm guessing for most of you this is trivial so I'm hoping for something clear for someone of my "level".
On a side note, I speak french, and we have two words: pression
/ tension
(artérielle). One of them must be wrong since they mean totally different things and makes things even more confusing.
But from what I could gather, are the next statements correct/accurate or am I completely off?
- The blood pressure is the fluid's movement "strength" in the veins (or "arteries", please edit my post with the correct english word)
- The "tension" is the force applied on the veins itself, kind of like when you're pulling a rubber band
- The pulse is just the wave of blood moving, which creates different tensions over the vein and whose movement is created by the pressure.