I'm having some trouble determining what exactly is the difference between Mendelian inheritance and non-Mendelian inheritance. For instance, I understand that chromosomal abnormalities such as Down's Syndrome fall under non-Mendelian inheritance because they concern chromosomes, not single genes. And I also understand that Mendelian inheritance concerns single genes, as in Sickle-cell anemia (which is an autosomal recessive disorder).
What confuses me is the fact that our textbook discusses dihybrid and trihybrid (concerning 2 genes and 3 genes, respectively) crosses under the Mendelian inheritance chapter, when to me it seems like these crosses are non-Mendelian because they deal with multiple genes. However, Gregor Mendel did in fact use the dihybrid cross to deduce the law of independent assortment, so I'm completely confused. Could someone please clarify this for me? I'm afraid that I'm maybe misinterpreting something.