
I am studying ageing and considering ECG signal because of its high sensitivity in theory (escardio). Some factors

  • Sensitivity
  • Gender
  • Medical treatment
  • ...

Benchmark: RTG dental + wrist uncertainty $\pm$2 years. Etc tooth washing, and hardness of drinking water affect much the dental health. Exposure to the ionisative radiation is problematic so less radiative approach would be nice.


Cardiac characteristics by ECG signal in power spectrum, having greater uncertainty than RTG dental 2016 because no sufficient exclusions/inclusions and too much exclusions covering data segments of autonomic nervous systems. Processes to be excluded from the ECG signal

  • respiratory process
  • heart beat itself
  • some cellular-tissue processes

Some cellular-tissue processes

Low-Cost Targets

  • internal physiology of cardiac events in association with ...
  • cardiac and brain imaging makers related to substance use disorder, HIV, and aging (Stanford)

How can you determine aging by biochemical test and imaging?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I think you need to focus the question a little more. As it stands you list methods to study aging and then summarily ask how to study aging. Perhaps pick a specific technique and ask a specific question about your problems with that specific technique for better reception. I think going down a list of techniques and giving them each a thorough exposition warrants an answer that is too broad. $\endgroup$
    – CKM
    Jan 25, 2016 at 20:48
  • $\begingroup$ @Kendall Yes, you are right. I put the focus on Cardiology but including inclusions and exclusions. ECG signal has the great potential in high sensitivity. (escardio) $\endgroup$ Jan 25, 2016 at 21:42


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