Found this spider in my bin, sorry for poor quality photo, has a massive red bum, haven't seen one like it, can anyone identify it?, around the size of my finger or thumbnail. I am from New Zealand
$\begingroup$ Welcome to Biology.SE! Please edit your post to include as much of the following essential information to improve your chances of getting a good answer: 1) one or more clear closeup photos of the organism (photos from multiple angles if possible)); 2) the location (e.g. country and region — the more specific the better) where you observed this organism; 3) habitat information; and 4) an estimate of the size of the organism (human nails vary significantly). ——— Please also take the tour and then go through the help center pages starting with How to Ask questions effectively on this site. Thanks! $\endgroup$– tyersomeCommented Jun 14, 2021 at 0:34
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1 Answer
This appears to be the False Widow Spider (Steatoda grossa), which is a cosmopolitan species found over much of the world.
The female S. grossa is 6-10.5 mm in length and dark coloured with a round, bulbous abdomen. Typical colouration ranges from reddish brown to black, with light-coloured markings.