When considering immunity in babies, the main mechanism that supports their undeveloped immune system is the transfer of antibodies from mother to baby via breastfeeding.
Case #1: both baby and mother got sick with a virus; the mother then produces large amounts of antibodies that are passed to her baby via breastfeeding.
But what if the mother (for some reason) does not get sick while the baby does?
Case #2: just the baby got sick.
What are the possible scenarios for supporting the baby's immune system in that case? It looks like the number of relevant antibodies is low in the mother.
Another mechanism could be envisioned, namely, the baby transfers antigens to the mother when breastfeeding, which stimulates the mother to produce antibodies and pass them back to the baby. Is this mechanism real? Is it efficient in any sense as compared to Case #1?
(scientific references would be appreciated)