From my studies i thought so far that:
1 NA * Da = 1 * NA mu = 1 g,
However since 2019 SI says that one dalton is only approximately one gram per mol
1 NA Da ≈ 1 g/mol
This makes sense if I consider the definition of :
1 Da as 1/12 Mass of Carbon-12
while MW of 1 * C 12 is 12,0107 g/mol
However this leads to differences in mass calculation for molecules:
lets say for ssDNA PhiX genome of a length of 5386bp I calculated 1664042 g/mol but 1664051 Da MW leading to a difference of ~ 9 Da
so my question is how should i calculate and report molecular weights from now on to not include errors resulting from the change made by the International System of Units
can anyone explain to me or hint me to a publication or similar on how to correctly do mass calculation ?