
TL;DR: I need more information on the mechanical properties of human skeletal muscle; if you have such information, please give it to me.

I'm writing something on how much more effective (or otherwise) spider silk would be as a muscle and/or connective tissue in prosthetics in in comparison to human skeletal muscle and connective tissues. As such, I need information on several of the mechanical properties of human skeletal muscle, such as its:

I was also able to find another source on its Young's modulus, but it doesn't specify the direction the Young's modulus was measured in.

One of the few sources I currently cannot find problems with are this one, on how much a strand of muscle can elongate before it fails - and that's because I can't find any other sources which could contradict it - and this one, on how much force a longitudinal muscle of a certain cross-sectional area can contract with: ~30 newtons per square centimetre, or 300 kPa.

There's also the content of and source of this Biology Stack Exchange answer by WYSIWYG, especially the image displayed:

enter image description here

...although I'm still trying to figure out which parts of it correspond to which points on a stress-strain curve.

The unifying factor here, however, is that I don't have enough sources - so few, in fact, that I have no reliable information on the fatigue limit. Please give me more.


1 Answer 1


Muscle by itself is very weak, all the strength is in the fascia (the tissue around the muscle).

You can see a review here, the muscle itself is negligible strength while the fascia is in the megapascal range.


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