This is a common firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla) because of it's "three" black lines* on the head, especially the one that is passing on the eyes and its pale (almost white) and well marked eyebrow.
*In french, we call it "Roitelet à triple bandeau" because of that. Its german name is Sommergoldhähnchen.
The Common Firecrest only occurs in the western Palaearctic. It is a lightweight like the Goldcrest which, however, unlike ist more robust twin species, mostly leaves Switzerland in the winter. It is less bound to spruce forests than the Goldcrest and in addition to coniferous trees also uses deciduous ones. Where forests are damaged, the birds soon have problems: The thinned out branches no longer provide sufficient shelter and the food supply is severely restricted.
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You can also try to differentiate his call from Regulus regulus; it's very subtle but there is one.
Both species appreciate the dark environment of coniferous. Because of their very small weight (5-7g!) they spent most of their time searching for food (mainly insects), especially in winter. It's also this characteristic which actually determines the maximum latitude they can reach; too far north, nights become too long and days too short for them to feed enough during the winter season. (oral communication, Museum of Natural History, city of Geneva).
European distribution of both regulus regulus and regulus ignicapilla.
Source: Le Guide ornitho, 2015. Ed. Delachaux et Niestlé. By Lars Svensson Killian, Mullarneym Dan, Zetterstrom. ISBN 9782603023938.
Meaning of the colors:
- purple: all year presence,
- light blue: winter presence,
- orange: summer presence,
- pale yellow: during migrations periods.
If you are searching for a nice guide, you can checkout this one: "Collins Bird Guide: The Most Complete Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe".
By: Lars Svensson (Author), Killian Mullarney (Illustrator), Dan Zetterström (Illustrator), Peter J Grant (Contributor). ISBN: 9780008547455 Edition: 3, Hardback Nov 2022"