For QTL analysis in mice GEMMA was used to get P values ("p_lrt" column) for SNPs. GEMMA output (...assoc.txt) file excerpt:
chr rs ps n_miss allele1 allele0 af logl_H1 l_mle p_lrt
1 UNC6 3010274 45 T C 0.753 -1.871575e+03 9.092954e+00 4.497885e-01
1 JAX00240613 3323400 12 T C 0.766 -1.871777e+03 9.096464e+00 6.822045e-01
Then, drawing a Manhattan plot with qqman R package applies default suggestive/genomewide cutoffs. But if I get it right, P < 5×10^(−8) is a commonly used genomewide threshold Ref1, Ref2.
Then I have to list the relevant coding/noncoding regions linked to these significant SNP (with P < 5×10^(−8)).
How can I do this?
I found a fantastic tool called FUMA
but it seems for GWAS in humans not for QTL analysis.
In Karl Browman's presentations: pdf (p. 13); pdf (p. 23(=28), 29(=34), 30(=35)).