I live in Milan, Italy in the city center. I live in this house since 5 years and I keep finding the insect pictured below.
I see it throughout the seasons (temperatures here range from -1°C to +35°C in average).
I find it mostly in my bathroom which is not well ventilated and it is the warmest room in the house (about 23°C in winter even with the radiators off and up to 35°C in summer during very hot days if I don't use air conditioning).
The size is about 7mm in length and 1mm in width (including only the main body, i.e., excluding legs and antennae).
I find it mostly during the night but maybe just because I use brighter lights and I can see it more clearly on my white walls.
What is its name so I can research more about it (i.e., does it pose any risk to my health or to my belongings in the house?)?