Parent 1 and 2 have children. Assume infinite, randomly-mating population size. How many generations until the median descendant by lineage of parent 1 has 0 base pairs inherited from parent 1?
I tried calculating this, but it was difficult to model variability in cross-over rates, and my computer is too slow for the Monte-Carlo I made.
Here is my guess:
from math import ceil, log2
import random
import numpy as np
haploid_genome_size_bp = 3300 * 1e6
diploid_genome_size_bp = haploid_genome_size_bp * 2
chromosome_pairs = 23
# Recomb hotspots
hotspot_length = 1500 # Taking the average length of 1-2 kb, in bp
hotspot_interval = 75000 # Taking the average interval of 50-100 kb, in bp
hotspots_per_genome = 30000 # Number of hotspots in the human genome
# Average crossover frequency per hotspot
avg_crossover_per_hotspot = 1 / 1300 # One crossover per 1300 meioses
total_hotspot_length_bp = hotspots_per_genome * hotspot_length
initial_genome_fraction = 1 # Starting with 100% of the genome from Parent 1
generations = 0 # Counter for the number of generations
# Loop to calculate the number of generations required for the descendant to have less than 1 bp from Parent 1
while initial_genome_fraction * diploid_genome_size_bp > 1:
# Introduce variance in the average number of crossovers per chromosome, for probably needless complication
# Using a Gaussian distribution centered around the average, with a standard deviation of 0.5
avg_crossover_per_chromosome = np.random.normal(1.25, 0.5) #this doesn't actually affect the result
# Total length affected by crossovers in one meiosis event bc hotspots
total_crossover_length_bp = total_hotspot_length_bp * avg_crossover_per_hotspot * avg_crossover_per_chromosome * chromosome_pairs
# Calculate the fraction of the genome that is affected by crossovers and recombination in each generation
fraction_swapped_each_generation = 2 * (total_crossover_length_bp / diploid_genome_size_bp)
# Update the fraction of the genome from Parent 1 in the descendant
initial_genome_fraction *= 0.5 * (1 - fraction_swapped_each_generation) + 0.5 * fraction_swapped_each_generation / 2
generations += 1
Result: 33 generations.
But really, information is lost sooner, since (approximately) non-SNPs won't contribute to information, non-SNPs are shared between individuals. Let's say there's 600 million SNPs, randomly distributed throughout the genome. Let's assume that parent 1 and the entire rest of the population differ at, say, 70% of SNPs (this value doesn't matter much, it's always 29 or 30).
from math import ceil, log2
import random
import numpy as np
total_snps = 600e6
haploid_genome_size_bp = 3300 * 1e6
diploid_genome_size_bp = haploid_genome_size_bp * 2
chromosome_pairs = 23
hotspot_length = 1500
hotspot_interval = 75000
hotspots_per_genome = 30000
avg_crossover_per_hotspot = 1 / 1300
total_hotspot_length_bp = hotspots_per_genome * hotspot_length
initial_snps_fraction = 0.7
generations = 0
while initial_snps_fraction * total_snps > 1:
avg_crossover_per_chromosome = np.random.normal(1.25, 0.1)
total_crossover_length_bp = total_hotspot_length_bp * avg_crossover_per_hotspot * avg_crossover_per_chromosome * chromosome_pairs
fraction_swapped_each_generation = 2 * (total_crossover_length_bp / diploid_genome_size_bp)
initial_snps_fraction *= 0.5 * (1 - fraction_swapped_each_generation) + 0.5 * fraction_swapped_each_generation / 2
generations += 1
Result: 29 generations.
It is sensitive to the number of SNPs in existence. If we use 1 million SNPs, we get 15 generations.
Is this right? Can we find a more accurate estimate? My code probably has some mistakes.