I'm reading a systems biology paper, and I'm suspecting there's a typo in an equation, but I want to make sure.
The article is "Systemic metabolic reactions are obtained by singular value decomposition of genome-scale stoichiometric matrices." (Famili & Palsson 2003, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12900206 / http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022519303001462). In equation 5, I wonder if the final subscript u_kr shouldn't be u_km, as the vector u_k^T is a column vector in the matrix U, which has dimensions m x m. Of course, some elements in u_k might be zero, in which case there would be less than m products in the sum, but I see no reason why there would be maximally r non-zero elements either (where r is the rank of the matrix S which has been decomposed). I worked out a simple example on paper where r < m and still got vectors with m non-zero elements. Can someone give me a second opinion on this?
Edit: Here are the main equations. A model of a metabolic reaction network is described by a stoichiometric matrix S of dimensions m x n and rank r. For the metabolites in the model, changes in metabolite concentrations is equal to S multiplied with the vector of reaction rates, v:
${\frac{{dx}}{{dt}} = Sv}$
The singular value decomposition of S is given by
$S = U\sum {V^T}$
Multiplying on the left side with $U^T$ (The transpose of U) we get:
${U^T}\frac{{dx}}{{dt}} = \sum {V^T}v$
After matrix multiplication, we have for each row in $U^T$ and $V^T$, where $\sigma_k$ is the k'th singular value
$\frac{{d(u_k^Tx)}}{{dt}} = {\sigma _k}(v_k^Tv){\text{ k = 1}},...,{\text{r}}$
And finally, equation 5:
${\text{u}}_k^T \cdot x{\text{ = }}{{\text{u}}_{k1}}{x_1} + {u_{k2}}{x_2} + ... + {u_{kr}}{x_m}{\text{ (5)}}$