How are new staining protocols designed for microscopy? Is it manual work or does it rely on computer simulations?
Say for example I thought the H&E staining does not bring enough contrast. How would I go about producing The Superb H&E Staining Protocol (not necessarily using just hemalum and eosin Y)?
Looking this from a mathematical point of view, the staining is some operator O applied on image I to produce enhanced image E. While clearly the operator O depends on the particular type of specimen, what I want to see, etc., there are surely some general principles guiding the search for finding an appropriate operator O? What are they?
Since the question is on hold, maybe I can try to put it even more clearly. How was the H&E staining invented? What was the process for its invention? I don't see why it would be unclear what I am asking. Dear biologists please take a more interdisciplinary approach.. If the question really is not answerable as such, please explain why. There's probably an answer in that.