
I've asked this before in stack overflow's cognitive science community, and someone recommended me to ask here:

I've found a couple of studies using microdialysis on insects, but didn't found any in Drosophila. I've found that the membrane diameter are from 240um, and it seems that Drosophila melanogaster brain must be between 200-300um , but I was wondering if the lack of studies of perfused drugs in Drosophila is due to this technical constraint, or is just I'm searching wrongly.

-- Edit: I specified the original target, Drosophila melanogaster, since there are bigger parients like Hawaian D. heteroneura and D. cyrtoloma. that could be subject to MD with current probes.

  • $\begingroup$ This is a great question! I was not aware microdialysis was used in Drosophila since most use feeding (compounds dissolved in Drosophila food) to administer different drugs to Drosophila. Is the microdialysis used on the adult Drosophila or larvae? why not inject the larvae? $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 27, 2014 at 18:54
  • $\begingroup$ @Bez , I didn't find microdialysis use in Drosophila but I thought that maybe it could be made on heteroneura and cyrtoloma since they are bigger, that's what I meant to say :P sorry for the missleading comment. $\endgroup$
    – Keber
    Commented Aug 27, 2014 at 19:27

1 Answer 1


It seems highly unlikely to me. The smallest microdialysis probes I've ever seen are about 250 µm in diameter, so about the size of a Drosophila hemisphere. You can deliver drugs by microinjection (well, I assume you can, seeing as a) you can do it in honey bees and b) you can perform whole-cell patch clamp recordings in Drosophila).


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