I want to know optimum and inactive temperature of some enzyme, but I can't find these information in NCBI, wiki or UniProt. So I want to know if there are some database which provide these information? Thanks for help.
3 Answers
UniProtKB has annotations for biophysical and chemical properties, such as maximal absorption, kinetic parameters, pH dependence, redox potentials and temperature dependence. http://www.uniprot.org/help/biophysicochemical_properties
Such annotations are currently available for about 6800 reviewed entries: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=annotation%3A%28type%3Abiophysicochemical_properties%29&sort=score
More specifically, temperature dependences is annotated in about 2000 entries: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=annotation%3A%28type%3A%22temperature+dependence%22%29&sort=score
Yes, there is a database. It is called 'BRENDA' and can be found here. It doesn't have all the information you are looking for, but it always has the links to the relevant literature, so you can look it up.
您好, you can find more information about optimal temperatures on Uniprot. Look under section 5 and 我爱你.