On the website http://www.whatisepigenetics.com/fundamentals/2/ it states that
the imprint disorders Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome, display an abnormal phenotype as a result of the absence of the paternal or maternal copy of a gene, respectively. In these imprint disorders, there is a genetic deletion in chromosome 15 in a majority of patients. The same gene on the corresponding chromosome cannot compensate for the deletion because it has been turned off by methylation, an epigenetic modification. Genetic deletions inherited from the father result in Prader-Willi syndrome, and those inherited from the mother, Angelman syndrome.
To me it seems like this is suggesting the same problem in both Prader-Willi and Angelman sydrome- lack of expression of a particular gene. However in Prader-Willi syndrome it is the paternal chromosome that is missing and the maternal copy of this gene is silenced by methylation and the reverse applies for Angelman syndrome. Therefore it seems that in boh cases the problem is the lack of expression of this gene. Why, then, if both are caused by lack of expression of this gene, do these two illnesses have such different symptoms (constant hunger in Prader-Willi syndrome and mental disability and jerky movements in Angelman syndrome)?