What I am looking for
I'm considering to eventually start my teaching sessions with short emotional, awe-inspiring or exciting videos that are somehow related to evolutionary biology incl. diversity of life, history of evolution on earth, specific evolutionary processes (sexual conflict, evolution of ageing, evolution of mutation rate, speciation rate, ...), diversity in mating systems, major transitions, etc...
3-minute long movies would be perfect. 15 minutes would be too long. The videos should be easily accessible for Bachelor students having little background in evolutionary biology.
Asap Science video about the evolutionary history of life would be a good fit.
The beginning of We are all related by vsauce would be a good fit.
This video from SciShow is typically too long
This video on the evolution of human face would do but I am not quite sure how exact it is and it feels a little weird that the end product is a white male!
It'd be great if not all suggestions were about recent human history or about dinosaurs :)
Do you have any suggestions?