I am trying to build a NGS library on enriched DNA (DNA length = 93 bp). I am using PCR amplification with two overhanging primers, both containing Illumina adapter sequences (Universal Adapter & TruSeq Adapter w/ barcode). My final library should be (~182 bp):
Universal Adapter (-), Enriched DNA (+), TruSeq Adapter(=)
After PCR amplification and QC by gel, I am seeing fragments of larger size. Analysis by Bioanalyzer indicates that I am might be getting some polymerization of the TruSeq adapter on the library. This is most likely due to bad primer design, with the primer containing two recognition sequences (21-nt), one at the 3' end and one at the 5' end of the TruSeq adapter
My question is:
How would the NGS analysis be affected if a library is submitting for sequencing, containing a mixture of single and dbl TruSeq adaptors?
Universal Adapter (-), Enriched DNA (+), TruSeq Adapter(=)
Universal Adapter (-), Enriched DNA (+), TruSeq Adapter 1(=), TruSeq Adapter 2(=)
Would the sequencing info from the "double library" be lost or would those fragments be read, just fine?