I was reading a probably not to serious webpage and I found this quote
" Certain types of vegetables, such as the cruciferous variety, are not only nutrient-dense but contain compounds that may fight cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute."
Then I looked more information about this, but I can only find references to foods helping prevent cancer but they dont seem to say they help fight cancer when it's already present.
This page says the following foods help prevent cancer, but later make an ambiguos statement that you could think they imply those foods help fighting cancer when it's presented
The following is a list of foods that have been shown to have cancer-fighting properties. While some are well-known super foods, others may surprise you. You won’t find a burger or fries on this list – when it comes to cancer prevention, clean eating prevails:
So, my question is, are there foods which not only prevent but help fighting cancer when it already exists?