I found these ants on a small mango tree in front of my home. Could someone identify them for me.
Length: 2-3 cm
Location : North India(Chandigarh)
Temperature: 21-24 degree celsius
More info: They built a home out of leaves of the tree.
I found these ants on a small mango tree in front of my home. Could someone identify them for me.
Length: 2-3 cm
Location : North India(Chandigarh)
Temperature: 21-24 degree celsius
More info: They built a home out of leaves of the tree.
These ants are called weaver ants, they are in the genus Oecophylla.
'Helcium is attached relatively high on abdominal segment III only in Oecophylla' http://www.antwiki.org/wiki/Formicinae
They use the silk produced by their larvae to bind leaves together to make chambers for their brood. As any ants in the Formicinae subfamily, they do not have a stinger. They can however bite and drop formic acid on your skin, which can cause irritation. They are used in orchard as biological control agents against pests.