I found a very interesting caterpillar. It's 5 cm long and looks like a snake. I discoved it in a greenhouse on a vine in the Czech Republic.
I found two types: a green one and a brown one, both with same length.
What species is it?
Looks like the larvae of an elephant hawk moth (Deilephila elpenor).
Green Variant. ©2005 Henk Wallays (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Description: typically brown-gray color with black dots along length of body. Young larvae are yellowish-white or green, but some mature larvae also can be green colored. Fully-grown caterpillars reach 7.62 cm in length.
D. elpenor color variation. Source: A.R. Pittaway & I.J. Kitching
Range: Most common in central Europe and is distributed throughout the palearctic region.
Habitat: variety: including rough grassland, heathland, sand dunes, hedgerows, woodland, open countryside, and even urban gardens.
Source: Wikipedia