I have a standard wild-type Children's python (Antaresia childreni) that I'm planning on breeding in the next few years and was just sold a male "Children's python" that I think might actually be a spotted python (Antaresia maculosa). Unfortunately, he's of some kind of reduced pattern morph (granite, I think) that has completely blown out his natural patterning, so my main method of identification is useless.
I know that along with the Stimson's python (Antaresia stimsoni) all of these snakes have been identified as "Children's pythons" at some point in the not-too-distant past, but someone saw fit to distinguish between them and I can't seem to find any basis for doing so that isn't based on range and pattern, both of which are meaningless for a captive-bred snake of a morph that makes its natural pattern indiscernible.
Is there some reliable way to tell the difference between these snakes other than coloration and range? Perhaps some difference in number or placement of certain scales or details about the eyes?
I've included a picture in case anyone can comment and tell me what this little guy actually is on the basis of the modified pattern - but I'd still like a better way if anyone can provide a real answer.