For an epidemiological study, I'm looking for datasets for any kind of vector-borne disease (i.e. West Nile Virus, Malaria, etc.), or any parasites that are dependent on intermediate hosts (i.e. Schistosoma spp., which have snails as intermediate hosts).
The data should include day or week and location of each diagnosis. I have been able to find diagnosis data for individual countries for each year, but I'm looking for daily or weekly data for city-wide resolution or at least smaller regions inside countries.
Additionally, it does not matter what country/continent the data is for, as long as there are many data points (i.e. at least 10,000). For example, if there is a lot of good data for Brazil, that's fine.
Does anyone know if such information exists, and if so, where I can find it? I've been searching for it for the past month but have had little luck with finding anything useful. Any help and guidance is appreciated!