You can't predict the evolution of anything because evolution is driven solely by the environment. It is the environment that squeezes species into to specific forms. We have has a much say in our shape and form as a whirlpool does and for the same reasons, both humans and whirlpools result form powerful outside forces.
In order to have shot at even making a credible guess about future evolution, you'd have to know what the environment around humans will be over the next 100,000 years at a minimum. About all you can say is the likelihood of this or that modification, based on existing physiology. The more that has to change to evolve a new structure, the less likely it will, even given strong selection pressure. We won't evolve wings or eyes in the back of head but we could get taller, shorter, hairier, larger brained, etc.
The idea that evolution is the result of some innate guiding or shaping natural force arose shortly after Darwin advanced the theory of transmutation of the species by natural selection. The scientific community got on board with whole transmutation of one species into another, but they view natural selection as to happenstance and taking to long to be the primary mechanism. Instead they came to believe that some force was driving organisms to become more complex, in a particular pattern, over relatively short periods of time 1,000 of years.
That is why, we call the concept "evolution" in the first place. It was not a word Darwin used or liked because it had existed since the 16th century. Literally, it meant "to unroll" like a scroll and implied a preset motion or sequence. Seeds were said to "evolve" into plants. Sailors and soldiers practicing repetitive drills, practiced their "evolutions". The word meant the unfolding of predetermined pattern, the exact opposite of natural selection.
Unfortunately, this erroneous mechanism would dominate evolutionary theory for 80 years until the development of synthetic theory in 1947. But by then, the idea of evolution being predetermined, fixed, with "levels", "stages", "higher", "lower" and generally progress, had been fixed in the public mind.
So you still see a lot of nonsense about the "next stage of human evolution" when under natural selection such a concept is simple gibberish. We will be what ever the environment shapes us to be.