If you only ate fruits, vegetables or smoothies would you be able to skip drinking water?
I do not see some animals (like squirrels) drinking water daily (doesn't mean they don't have a water source) so I am wondering if that's they case are they getting water from what they eat and can we as humans can go without water.
1st Researched Question:
Fresh fruits and vegetables are considered low-calorie, energy-dense foods. That means the food contains few calories in a high volume of food. They tend to be high in water – dried fruits such as raisins are an exception – high in fiber, high in volume and low in fat. The high volume and fiber help you to feel full. A smoothie, in contrast, may or may not be high in water, depending on how much fluid it contains. Most importantly, a smoothie may have little fiber or the fiber it does contain may have been chopped into tiny fragments by the manufacturing process.
Fruits and veggies contain water but smoothies do not. No answer if can be a replacement for drinking water.
2nd Researched Question:
Can you live just on smoothies and juicing?
Some say people can survive eating fruits and vegetables but do not specifically if humans can survive without water.
3rd Researched Question:
What would happen if I drank only a smoothie everyday for a month?
Without diving all the way into Maslow’s Hierarchy of human needs, we can pretty easily prioritize the elements of our diet according to urgency and importance. The order will be something like:
- Water
- Energy
- Proteins and lipids
- Vitamins and minerals
Nobody will argue with the first one. A single smoothie would be harshly restrict fluid intake. Ideally a mid-sized person should have 2.5 liters of water each day. Estimates vary on the minimum required to maintain life, but some sources estimate it to be just over 1 liter per day. If it were a very large smoothie made with large amounts of either juice or water, you might be ok here.
FYI This is not information for me but information in general. Some animals in nature seem to get by without drinking water but eating fruit. Would it be safe for a human do the same? We found out a human survived by drinking sea water (although it caused other issues). Also, I'm not advocating for it but I'm wondering if it causes issues.