Linked Questions

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How is "selection" best defined?

There is natural selection but there is also sexual selection which some regard as a category of natural selection. There is also artificial selection (by humans). The question is, what is a most ...
sterid's user avatar
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Interesting examples of models [closed]

I am studying the general use of models in biology in terms of methodology, applications, usefulness etc, and I would really appreciate any recommendations of some specific examples of models from any ...
Floyd's user avatar
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How to give a biological interpretation to this phase portrait?

Consider the following system and analyze its behavior. $$\begin{array}{rl} \frac{dA}{dt} &= A \left( 2-\frac{A}{5000}-\frac{L}{100} \right)\\ \frac{dL}{dt} &= L \left(-\frac{1}{2}+\frac{A}{...
user441848's user avatar
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How does Genetic drift and selection affect fixation of an allele?

I want to know how does genetic drift, and selection coefficient (s) together affect the fixation of an allele? For example, if there is a neutral allele (s=0), will only genetic drift cause the ...
Lauren boomer's user avatar
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best book for a comprehensive introduction to biology for a computer science graduate interested in undertaking research in bioinformatics [closed]

I have a postgraduate degree in computer science, and I wish to undertake research in bioinformatics. I had chemistry but no biology in high school. I have read bioinformatics books like "biological ...
akn12's user avatar
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Core Biological concepts explained to a Computer Scientist?

I am a computer scientist delving into Bioinformatics and I need to gain insight in biological phenomena. How would you explain three core concepts as: Evolution, Selection and Variation, to a ...
je_b's user avatar
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Relationship between genetic diversity within and between species

Here is a quote from Wagner (2008) A second line of evidence [against neutralism] comes from the relationship between the mean number of polymorphic differences between alleles within a species, $\...
alexw's user avatar
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How to determine the probability that a mutation is lost / fixed?

I have a question about how to determine the probability that a mutation is lost or fixed after 1 or 2 generations in population genetics. Let's say we have a randomly mixing population, with N ...
user27806's user avatar
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Book recommendation: Modern Synthetic theory

I'm a zoology minor. I wish to study modern synthetic theory (evolution) is there a good book available online for reading? The book should cover a basic idea about what the elements of modern ...
Tyto alba's user avatar
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Math backbone in biology/genetic

Are there any good books, that shows some advanced models in genetics particularly? The problem is i don't see any good math model in genetics interactions exept combinatorics. I'd like to know what ...
dshulgin's user avatar
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Choosing a book to gain general knowledge about biology [duplicate]

I will be first year undergraduate at Physics department next year and last year I was at the Medicine faculty. I want do double major in the second year of faculty with Molecular Biology and Genetics....
frosh's user avatar
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books for beginners in research in mathematical biology [closed]

I am a M.SC(mathematics) student. I have no subject like mathematically modelling.But i'm interesting in research in mathematical biology.Initially which book i should study. Please guide me.THANKS......
niti's user avatar
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Does evolution select against genetic diversity?

Only the best genotype in a species will win. So it sounds like evolution selects against genetic diversity.
user43230's user avatar
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Linkage Disequilibrium - What does it mean when D < 0?

What does it mean when you have a situation where your D<0?
spitfiredd's user avatar
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Cancer and Evolution [duplicate]

Edit: just to clarify, I am asking what, if anything, the literature says can be gleaned about evolution by studying cancer, especially relating to how multicellularity evolved and the traits used to ...
user3658307's user avatar

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