Linked Questions

9 votes
3 answers

Why have whales and dolphins not evolved to have gills? [duplicate]

It seems at first glance that it would be an evolutionary disadvantage for a sea creature to have to come up to the surface on a regular basis in order to breathe, so why are there animals (e.g. ...
Esteemator's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any known reason why 6 leg mammals are only found in mutations? [duplicate]

Taking a look in internet you can find photos of mutated mammals with 6 legs. Some cows with legs in unnatural positions were shown in website versions of widely known newspapers (you can easily guess ...
Pablo's user avatar
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33 votes
7 answers

Is evolution a fact? [closed]

Richard Dawkins in one of his videos says that Evolution is a fact and not just a theory. He goes on to say that man and chimpanzees both evolve from apes. Is this correct (Is evolution a fact and ...
Farhan stands with Palestine's user avatar
46 votes
2 answers

What is the function of epidermal ridges on human fingers (that produce fingerprints)?

What function is served by the epidermal or capillary ridges on human fingers, the supposedly unique impressions of which are known as fingerprints?
yuritsuki's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why do adult insects have 6 legs?

Apparently, there is an advantage to having 6 legs in the insect world. What is that advantage, if anything? Why would such an advantage exist for insects, but not for other, larger land animals? ...
DrZ214's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Why do humans have only two nipples?

If other animals have more than 2 nipples, then why do humans have only 2 nipples? Even my pet dog has more than 2 nipples.
user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why do ostriches have wings? [duplicate]

Wings serve most birds for flying, or (as in penguins) for swimming. But ostriches, which exclusively use only their legs for locomotion, still have wings. Why?
George A. Solodun's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Were there any vertebrates with 6 or more limbs?

My question is actually a bit more broad than what's in the title, but I don't know how to put it succinctly. When I was trying to find the answer to that question, I found that all known terrestrial ...
TangentialThinking's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why do the ancestors of birds still exist? [closed]

If I am not mistaken, scientists believe that birds are evolved from reptiles. Why do the ancestors of birds (that is, reptiles) still exist?
Beginner's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why is black and yellow such a nice camouflage?

Many people can`t differenciate between cheetahs, leopards and jaguars, but there are serveral other animals with a similar pigmentation (servals, ocelots...), why is it so effective? It gets exciting ...
ferwildfire's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why did the face of human species changed so much during the course of its evolution?

I recently watched this video which showed the evolution of facial features of the modern man I'm wondering what evolutionary advantage did we get by having our face ...
Serotonin's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is there an ideal evolutionary body?

I am a science fiction fan, and when I watch movies with aliens, I get annoyed at the fact that they're all humanoid. I think, "What are the chances that it will look that similar to humans?" But I ...
Jun Hayakawa's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Evolution theory - roses spikes - being more bulgy doesn't give you advantage

I've seen spike, huge spike. And I thought that development of such spikes could be contrary to the evolution theory. Being „little more” spiky doesn’t give you any advantage... So those individuals ...
Paweł Brewczynski's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

evolution of advanced math ability [closed]

I am trying to convince a friend that human beings evolved from primates, and he challenged me that advanced mathematical ability couldn't have been the product of mutation and natural selection ...
bruce lenantak's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Selection Pressure on Orca Whale Coloration

What is the proposed selection pressure that leads to the distinctive coloration of Orca whales? I can find nothing in the literature.
medley56's user avatar
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