Linked Questions

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Why similarities among organisms led scientists to believe that organisms are evolved?

Theory of evolution states that organisms are evolved into other more advanced ones over time because there are some traits in modern organisms resemble with organisms existing before (from fossil ...
AksaK's user avatar
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Why are archae and bacteria grouped into separate domains? [closed]

Archae and bacteria are both Prokaryotes. Why are they group into two separate domain?
k.bule's user avatar
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Evolution of dinosaurs

What did dinosaurs evolve from? Was it the reptiles that evolved from amphibians? I have been researching this but am very confused with who their direct predecessor was. Amphibians evolved from fish.....
Vanessa's user avatar
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Examples of creating a new animal species by humans

So recently, I was arguing with my friend who happens to be creationist. As he does not believe in the "theory of evolution" I asked him how he can explain such a big diversity in the dog Canis ...
GA1's user avatar
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Are there examples of now-living species where one is descended from the other?

I'm not a biology person so please forgive me if this question is formulated badly :) I'm curious. Are there any species that has an ancestor species that is still alive today?
Johannes's user avatar
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Usage of "lineage" over "species"

Remi.b has suggested here: The concept of species is poorly defined and is often misleading. The concept of lineage is much more helpful. IMO, the only usefulness of this poorly defined concept ...
asmani's user avatar
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Would all the different species evolve to their respective next form of life eventually?

Would all the different species evolve to their respective next form of life eventually? Like this generation apes to humans in next million years? Or does all the different species exist to only ...
Aoi. T_015's user avatar
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Why aren't mammals and reptiles considered amphibians?

We've all heard it: birds descend from dinosaurs, so they're dinosaurs too. But this got me thinking: doesn't this mean that, for instance, all terrestrial vertebrates – including humans – are ...
Lucca's user avatar
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Is there really a clear distinction between dinosaurs and birds?

Traditionally, birds are classified as a class of dinosaurs and the term non-avian dinosaurs is introduced to refer to the rest. As recent discoveries suggest that some dinosaurs may have been warm-...
martinkunev's user avatar
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Basic question about phylogenetic trees

The following is an illustration rom my book of the phylogenetic tree of 6 animal phyla (the red stuff is mine): I think what's causing some confusion is that there are no names/years at the circled ...
Ovi's user avatar
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Basic question about evolution

I want to understand a mechanism how at the first times when the life began on earth evolution helped the new species to arise through selection while the same organism also continued to live as not ...
bbb android's user avatar
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What happens if a speciation event causes the new species to evolve out its clade's defining trait?

If a speciation event occurs to a member of the strepsirrhine clade in such a way that its rhinarium is selected out, would it stay a strepsirrhine?
user2738698's user avatar
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Wikibooks claim that it is difficult to find two texts that agree on the definition of an animal

In this entry of Wikibooks we find the claim It is surprisingly difficult to find two texts that agree on a precise definition of an animal. Is this true? [I know nothing about biology, but I ...
Pierre-Yves Gaillard's user avatar
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Have traditional categories such as phylum, class, genus, been dispensed with in modern taxonomy?

Looking through the one zoom and EOL projects I see no reference to such categories.
EarthDemon's user avatar

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