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Questions tagged [dendrites]

Dendrites (from Greek δένδρον, meaning "tree") are branched projections of a cell, typically a neuron.

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The membrane folds of dendritic cells

Dendritic cells have a larger surface area due to extended dendrites (membrane folding into itself). Do other mammalian cells (with functions other than immunological) present these membrane folds?
a06e's user avatar
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Effect and functional role of voltage-gated channels on dendrites [closed]

I'd like to understand better the effect and functional role of voltage-gated channels on dendrites. What I believe to have understood: It is important that a more distal post-synaptical potential (...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Can the dendrites of sensory neurons be a meter long?

The typical textbook structure of neurons is a cell with a short dendritic tree and a long axon. The dendrites receive information and send it to the axon via the cell body (soma). The axon is a long ...
Felix_17's user avatar
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Why can action potentials not be initiated at dendrites?

Why are action potentials not initiated at dendrites, although dendrites are the first to receive input from the presynaptic cell? In fact, excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) at the dendrites ...
Curious's user avatar
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Can one dendrite pass through another?

While tracing dendrites on EyeWire I encountered the following situation. They belong to an Orientation Selective Ganglion Cell. It's the first dendrite I've noticed with such a clear 'hole' in it, ...
Steven Jeuris's user avatar