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What is the evidence that women experience a larger cortisol spike than men, when they see domestic clutter?

I'm reading a book "The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload" by Daniel Levitin. At the beginning of chapter "Organizing our homes" he says that ...
user46147's user avatar
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Is “random arousal” in humans still caused by/connected to “background” sex drive?

I’m not sure if the title is the best way to word the concept but I don’t know how else to put it briefly; though honestly this question itself might be a bit hard for me to communicate concisely in ...
pastina's user avatar
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Do hormones make it more likely to perceive sexual forms in otherwise non-sexual objects? [closed]

People can see sexual forms in many things. It seems that this varies with age, but this is not enough to claim it is because of sexual hormones. The question is: is it?
Seno's user avatar
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Do ovaries produce estrogen before menarche?

It is traditionally taught that estrogen is produced by the granulosa cells of the follicle. But before menarche, where does the estrogen come from? Is it from the thin layer of granulosa cells lining ...
Polisetty's user avatar
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Why do women mature (physically) earlier than men? [closed]

All sources I've read (the first page) states that the fact that women mature (in the sense of physical maturing) earlier than man is caused by the earlier selective prunning in brain. Though, this is ...
Probably's user avatar
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When did our ancestors switch to a menstrual cycle instead of the estrous cycle?

The Wikipedia page on the Estrous cycle says: Humans have menstrual cycles instead of estrous cycles. They shed their endometrium instead of reabsorbing it. Unlike animals with estrous cycles, ...
Christian's user avatar
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Do women experience more bonding hormones than men after sex?

Does Oxytocin (or any other bonding hormone) increase more so for women than for men after sex? Someone told me that it increases 4-fold for men and 12-fold for women (unconfirmed). Is there any ...
PAINKILLER's user avatar
20 votes
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What is the female equivalent of the morning erection that some men experience?

There was question about what causes "morning wood." It was answered that the erection in the morning is caused by decline of norepinephrine during REM sleep. Which in part allows to prevent ...
jnovacho's user avatar
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Do hormones make men think of sex?

I remember hearing a saying that goes like "men think of sex every 7 minutes (or seconds?)". I take this saying to mean that men have sex related thoughts more often than women. I'm ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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