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Questions tagged [experimental]

Scientific procedure to test a hypothesis. The outcome of the experiment either confirms or denies the hypothesis.

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optimum amount of pH buffer for an experiment

If trying to do an experiment involving the effect of pH on enzyme activity, is there any sort of guide as to how much pH buffer to add?
qwertyaspargussugrapsa's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the meaning of NF-kB (transcription factor) "activity"?

This article discuss about the NF-kB activity and its mathematical modeling Understanding NF-κB signaling via mathematical modeling. The NF-kB is a transcription factor mainly involved in the ...
Manuela's user avatar
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What is a "marker-matched" plasmid?

I see this term used a lot in papers and have trouble understanding it. From what I have gleaned it seems they are used during control experiments, perhaps with the goal of making the control plasmids ...
k_1223's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there anyway from which we can measure the viscosity of honey using a refractometer?

Is it possible to use a refractometer to measure the viscosity of honey because as we know, a refractometer is used to measure moisture and therefore water influences the viscosity of honey so is ...
Mo Kamal's user avatar
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Absent gene expression from one of two vectors co-transformed into the BL21(DE3) strain of E. coli

I've been trying to express two proteins in the BL21(DE3) strain of E. coli. One gene is in a pCR2.1 vector and the other in a pET-expression vector. When I induce with IPTG and run on an acrylamide ...
jack's user avatar
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Clarification of method notation in yeast cultivation method

I'm reading a paper about yeast culture and in the methods, it says: Then $5$ ml of sterile $M/15\ KH_2PO_4$, was added to the slant, What is the meaning of $M/15$?
libby's user avatar
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3 answers

A Hadeeth on the fly

I think most biologists here on this site will not consider my question below to be unfit for posting on Biology SE. I came across this article about the hadeeth (a hadeeth is a saying of the ...
user36339's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why DMSO is used as a control?

Coming from a non-biology background, I've realised many academic papers on experiments use DMSO as like a control. This is an example: KN-93, a specific inhibitor of CaMKII inhibits human hepatic ...
SmallChess's user avatar
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Quantification of concentration from chromatogram paper [closed]

In an experiment, I recently isolated and purified calf thymus DNA, hydrolyzed it with perchloric acid, and then applied the hydrolyzate to a Whatman paper in a polar solvent and let it run overnight. ...
ro_the_electron's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Biology Intuition and Origin of the "facts" [closed]

I am a graduate physics student but also taking biology classes. I am new to the field of bio. Most of what we do in class seem like memorizations and stating-facts. I am wondering: How can I develop ...
John's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What are the advantages using SUMO vector for expression? [closed]

My question is : What are the advantages using SUMO vector for expression?
SHAD's user avatar
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2 votes
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How much does an experiment on monkeys cost?

Including legal fees, the paperwork, the housing, the food etc. (provided there is already a lab with biomedical lab equipment and space for the housing) for let's say the final testing phase of a ...
daveid's user avatar
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Estimating RNA concentration from Specific Activity of Labeled RNA

The question reads, Using T7 RNA polymerase to transcribe in vitro a 100-nt RNA off a DNA template. This RNA contains 19 Adenosines. In your 100 uL transcription reaction you added 1.00 µL of α32P•[...
biochemstruggle's user avatar
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Is it worth to experiment with pro-biotics at home?

Let's assume that Joe has done some investigation on Internet and wants to see, if pro-biotics would help him. Now he goes to and buys a pro-biotic product with excellent average rating. ...
Jonny's user avatar
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Is there a better lysis buffer than this for fungal DNA extraction?

I've being using this lysis buffer for fungal DNA extraction,lysis buffer - 400mM TRis-HCl(pH8.0), 60mM EDTA(pH8.0), 150mM NaCl, 1% SDS and containing 40microgram/ml RnaseA. It is keep giving very ...
k.m's user avatar
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How long can a plant generate oxygen from its own carbon dioxide, produced during nighttime?

I recently bought one of these miracle fruit plants (Synsepalum dulcificum). Since they are of tropic origin, they need higher humidity and temperature as we have it here in Austria. So I decided to ...
AstronAUT's user avatar
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How are the physiological properties of mitochondria measured?

this is my first question on BiologySE. I am a Physics and Mathematics student currently doing a project on cell growth simulation. I am doing literature survey and I have a question about cellular ...
Andrea's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why are pharmacology studies so experimental?

I am a med student, and as far as I see from our pharmacology lectures, pharmacologists work almost completely experimental. Quite typically they take a substance (e.g., from nature), they add, change ...
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29 votes
1 answer

Natural examples of XOR functions at the cellular level

We can often think of cells as a sort of circuit on macromolecules, and can show that they can accurately and robustly implement functions like $\text{MAJ}(x_1,...,x_n)$ (return $1$ if more than half ...
Artem Kaznatcheev's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Why is the number of PCR cycles limited?

I've been told that the maximum number of cycles in PCR is between 20 and 30. Is this true, and what are the reasons for this limitation?
tschoppi's user avatar
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Image analysis of GFP-tagged protein localization bursts

I'm reading an article (full text here) that analyze the dynamics of localization of a GFP-tagged transcription factor (Crz1) over the time at the single-cell level, by taking movies in a fluorescent ...
Mattia Rovetta's user avatar
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Growth Hormone and diabetes

Growth hormone and insulin like growth factors are diabetogenic, so I assume that people with high growth hormone (say due to pituitary tumor) may be at high risk for diabetes. Has any correlation ...
biogirl's user avatar
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What is an 'ex vivo' experiment?

Simple terminology question: Is there a hard boundary between in vitro and ex vivo? Is there a hard boundary between in vivo and ex vivo? Suppose a sensory neuron is electrically recorded in the ...
Memming's user avatar
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How difficult is to renature a protein?

I know of Anfinsen's experiments and I'm aware that some denatured enzymes may regain their lost activity through the removal of the denaturant agent. What I'm unaware of is how rare is it for a ...
Gabe's user avatar
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Are there natural selection experiments that quantitatively agree with theoretical modeling? [closed]

Has anyone ever conducted an evolution experiment and quantitatively compared it to theory? For example, has anyone ever put bacteria in a million petri dishes filled with antibiotics and calculated ...
ChickenGod's user avatar
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Questions regarding ELISA

I have recently peformed an ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), but I still have some questions, let me first outline what I did: We had a number (20) of tubes containing fake 'bodily fluids' ,...
JohnPhteven's user avatar
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Modern reference for Kropotkin's lazy bees

I have been reading through Peter Kropotkin's Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution and he mentions a curious fact about bees (bolding by me for emphasis): predatory instincts and laziness continue to ...
Artem Kaznatcheev's user avatar
3 votes
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What does "delineate" mean in this context?

I was reading a Scientific American story, “Controversial Spewed Iron Experiment Succeeds as Carbon Sink” (by David Biello), when I came across this sentence: “The problem for scientists is that ...
Shummy's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Why do grapes not pea shrink when placed in strong sugar solution?

I tried an experiment. First, I placed grapes in pure water(hypotonic solution). The grapes burst because of endosmosis. Then, I placed new set of grapes in strong sugar solution(fully saturated) but ...
Pranit Bauva's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What would cause proteins to get stuck in the stacking layer of a SDS-Page gel

Typically when proteins aggregate, they will get stuck at the top of the well. However, we're seeing some protein aggregate in the stacking layer even when we're treating the loading volume with DTT. ...
bobthejoe's user avatar
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Productive turnover and generations in the fruit fly

I was reading about the Lenski experiments on the evolution of E. coli bacterium and Dr. Elders's experiments on the evolution of the guppy. These two experiments absolutely fascinated me, and seemed ...
ODP's user avatar
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84 votes
4 answers

Death because of distilled water consumption

One of my friends said that I would die if I drank distilled water (we were using it in a chemistry experiment) I gave it a go and surprisingly did not die. I did a bit of Googling and found this ...
The-Ever-Kid's user avatar
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18 votes
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Fish "coming back to life" after being frozen

I've encountered a clip on Youtube showing a goldfish thrown in liquid nitrogen and immediately after to normal water and swimming normally. In the explanation to the clip it says: For everyone ...
SIMEL's user avatar
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