Questions tagged [hypersensitivity]

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Dnase data for GRCh38

This question below turned to be completely faulty. I don't have to do anything with DNase data for GRCh38. I asked it because of the file count difference between hg38 and hg37, which I thought to be ...
Adam Przedniczek's user avatar
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Why is the penicillin/ceftriaxone hypersensitivity test only done once?

I have had a severe bacterial infection. I was prescribed ceftriaxone, and when the time came for injecting it the nurse asked me whether I have an allergy to ceftriaxone. I answered that it's my ...
user4147's user avatar
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Why does histamine release in Type I hypersensitivity help in case of parasites?

The IgE system exists because the same events which lead to often-life threatening complications of allergy, in presence of parasites are helpful in their elimination. The tissue injury mediated ...
stochastic13's user avatar
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Pathogenesis of type IV hypersensitivity

In hypersensitivity, as I understand it, a normal immune response gets excessive, misdirected or wrongly regulated to cause tissue injury. The various types determine the various ways in which the ...
stochastic13's user avatar
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How plasma cells switches secreting different Ig classes?

In Type 1 hypersensitivity how do B lymphocytes switch Ig classes, from synthesizing IgG to IgE? What is the mechanism? I studied multiple pathology books, it says the same as for IgG secreting ...
user4147's user avatar
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Hypersensitivity Simultaneously in Ear canals

I got experimental data where hypersensitivity (i.e. tonic pain when touching ear canal) was recognised for about 100 minutes. I do not know which type of hypersensitivity is this one. IgM can ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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Is nutrient absorption different in Hypersensitive I patients?

I am thinking how the nutrient absorption differs between between patients with allergies (Hypersensitivity I) and those not. The current guideline about number of eggs in diet is one daily ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar