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Questions tagged [limnology]

The science of inland waters, posts on Biology SE should focus on the biological aspects of this discipline.

19 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why this decay term in Anaerobic Digestion Model?

I am reading about the AM2 model, which appears to be a simplified version of the ADM1 model for modeling anaerobic processes. The author of this doctoral thesis extended the simpler AM2 model by ...
Theodor Johnson's user avatar
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Lab device to periodically, automatically transfer zooplankton between containers

I need a device to periodically draw a sample of transfer small aquatic organisms from one container to another without crushing/killing them. Each sample would be on the order of 10ml. My sketch of ...
MemoryWrangler's user avatar
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Sediment Size and Mayfly (Explanation + Literature)

I am doing investigation into association of sediment size with the movement of mayfly nymphs in a choice chamber, sampling the organisms from a stream. I will be doing a chi square test to determine ...
Rushi's user avatar
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Strange planarian/leech like creatures found with California blackworms

I've been trying to ID these things myself but to no avail. They came with a shipment of California blackworms from Florida. I've heard so many ID's and apparently it's not uncommon to get these ...
Krupip's user avatar
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Are there taxonomic keys for members of the family poeciliidae in America?

I wish to know what are the taxonomic aspects necessary for the identification of certain species of poecilids, specifically what is the role in the counting of rays and spines and also the ...
hermes _124's user avatar
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What is this trilobite-like creature?

This was found under a rock in a freshwater creek in Maryland. Stayed like this for while, then stretched out long, then contracted, and then JUMPED off the rock back into the water. Looks like a ...
Trail-walker's user avatar
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How should I analyze proportional community data, in respect to habitat variables?

I want to analyze how the proportions of groups of species in a biological community correlated to habitat variables. I have 6 functional groups, defined by their similar traits, and I want to know ...
Jaxson Priest's user avatar
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Species Identification: Waterborne worm/larva, California, USA (and is it safe)

Can you help ID this species? The photos are low quality, so I'll do my best to describe them. I found them after I left a cup of dechlorinated, freshwater aquarium water outside with a plant in it, ...
Aidan Tung's user avatar
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What species left these underwater eggs?

While inspecting some plants planted about 1.5 ft underwater in my pond, I noticed what appeared to be eggs on many of the plants. Note that the eggs are the white, oblong, opaque things. The clear ...
Village's user avatar
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What kind of animals are these little creatures?

I have 3 tanks. 1 with my fishes and 2 other are technical. The smallest one is 0.5l and I'm using it as trash bin where I put dead plants and algae from main aquarium and it has sand from the see at ...
LyndaOlexandr's user avatar
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How do fish persist in the upper parts of mountainous rivers with waterfalls?

I was recently traveling in a remote mountain region and hiking alongside a very small river. What caught my attention was the fish in the small ponds under the waterfalls. These ponds were just a ...
KarlKarlsom's user avatar
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What does this skull belong to?

I was cleaning out my pool with a leaf scoop the other day and found a small object, which I assume to be a sort of skull or cartilaginous structure of something that had died. I live in Sydney, ...
Lutro's user avatar
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Oxygen supply in a trickling filter

I'm using a 300l/h trickling filter consisting of 4 round chambers in vertical alignment with 11cm diameter, 5cm height and 5cm distance for the trickling (100 to 500 holes per level) in a 15cm pipe. ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
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How to figure out when my hot (but cooling) drinking water will go bad

I have a 200 liter electric water heater in a secondary building. The time periods between me visiting the building and using the water vary and do not follow any schedule. I can be visiting as rarely ...
Reinis's user avatar
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Movement of Common Jelly Fish

Among the different types of movements in the bodies of various organisms, the movement exhibited by jelly fishes are very unique and peculiar in some ways. I can't understand how to classify the type ...
Swasti Ranjan's user avatar
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Why is this giant water bug out of the water?

I recently took a picture of a giant water bug actually out of the water. Every instance that I have seen these of critters they have always been in the water (sometimes even feasting on frogs), but ...
Galen's user avatar
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WC small organisms ID?

I have reached the end of my Winogradsky Column experiment, but out of interest I have kept them for a little longer. I have noticed small bug- and worm-like organisms appearing in some of my columns. ...
DanPar's user avatar
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Why doesn't alum coagulate my cyanobacteria?

My collected rainwater has a pronounced blue-green tint which I believe to be due to the presence of cyanobacteria. I have been trying to remove the cyanobacteria using aluminium sulphate, but it ...
Shaun Ross's user avatar
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Why sea water fish can't survive in Fresh water?

Why the sea water fish can't survive in fresh water? What really happens to the fish if it get into fresh water from sea water. What are the possible reason... Does it really depends osmotic ...
Creepy Creature's user avatar