Questions tagged [lungs]

The lungs are the respiratory organ which allows the take-up of oxygen and the release of CO2. They are present in most animals which breathe air including many fish species.

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2 answers

Are oxygen and carbon dioxide simultaneously present in red blood cells during gas exchange?

From my understanding, the process that displaces the carbon dioxide and oxygen in our erythrocytes and lungs is diffusion. I've been taught that diffusion is the net movement of particles from a ...
CommandoGeek's user avatar
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is left brachiochephalic vein and left pulmonary artery is same?

I am reading about ligamentum arteriosum which connects the left pulmonary artery and descending aorta. But I am seeing that if any figure shows left brachiochephalic vein it does not show left ...
Hesam's user avatar
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Why is there smooth muscle in our bronchioles?

Having muscle tissue in our bronchioles that can constrict seems like a poor choice for tissue. Why would our airway want to ever close up? Wouldn't it be more beneficial for our bronchioles to just ...
rhill45's user avatar
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Atelectasis due to decreased surfactant in lungs

Surfactant is a protein lipid mixture produced by alveolar pneumocytes composed of Dipalmitoyl Phosphatidyl Choline lipid, apoproteins and calcium ions. This surface lines the alveolar epithelium ...
Annette Black's user avatar
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Heart Rate being normal when under treatment for the bends

When you surface from diving too quickly; you get "bends" - these are caused by gas bubbles forming in your lungs (especially nitrogen). This causes breathing problems if not treated since the bubbles ...
Caters's user avatar
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What is the role of lamellar bodies in lung cells?

Lamellar bodies have been found to be secreted in lung cells many of their associated proteins have been identified. What is the current consensus or research on the function that these lamellar ...
That Guy's user avatar
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Could light/occasional smoking strengthen the lungs?

Here's my thought process, correct me where I'm wrong. It seems the human body has thresholds. Examples: You lift too much weight, and the muscles and tendons risk serious injury, but otherwise ...
coburne's user avatar
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What is the cause of dry cough?

I first thought this question in the case of the cause of dry throat after 3-day recovery of dry cough? but then I realised that the cause of dry cough can be a general thing. Assume the person ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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Can Serous inflammation on pleura pulmonalis cause dry cough and runny nouse?

I am interested in the mechanism between the dry cough and runny nose (serous inflammation) here. I started to think how Acute respiratory viral infection is causing the dry cough. The serous ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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How to maximize lung oxygen intake?

What method of breathing provides a sudden surge of oxygen into the lungs filling it as full as possible in volume and density. Deep breaths? Shallow breaths? Breaths taken while bent over? Deep ...
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For emphysema, which of the respiratory volumes is affected?

It could be the tidal volume because it affects how a person inhales and exhales normally. It could be the residual volume and functional residual volume, because it increases its amount. Because it ...
jack's user avatar
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2 answers

How the lungs clear themselves?

Looking at my computer's fan I can say that a lot of dust is collected on it not less dust should be collected in the lungs, not to mention some inhaled parts of food. How the lungs clear themselves ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Can pulmonary infarction be asymptomatic?

I think it can because there are many parts in lungs. Like for some COPD patients. However, I am not sure if COPD patients can have infarction. Lungs have parallel circulation. Red infarct is ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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Pathogenesis of Chronic Venous Congestion in Lungs?

I am thinking how CVC in lungs lead to the left-sided heart failure.
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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Does the lung absorb organic food?

Imagine you swallow something up and not everything gets out of the windpipe (this is possible right?). Would it be possible for the lung to handle with the rest implying that it is organic? Would it ...
Wandang's user avatar
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How does a smoker's pleasure work?

I smoke. For some reason, I've always had this idea that the pleasure of smoking works more or less like this: from the lungs, the nicotine reaches the blood, with which it travels to the brain, and ...
ymar's user avatar
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Do people often blow out the air from their lungs a lot when living in the cold condition to keep their lungs warm?

Do people often blow out the air from their lungs when living in cold climatic conditions to keep their lungs warm? I ask this question because it could connect to how people in different areas ...
Kiti's user avatar
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The effects of dust particles

When sun rays shoot through my house from a window, sometimes if the lighting is correct, it will reveal a huge amount of floating particles and dust. Are these particles dangerous to humans if you ...
Dan Webster's user avatar
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What is the inlet/outlet speed of air going in/out of our mouth during inhalation/exhalation

During inhalation, your alveoli expand, creating a pressure difference between the atmosphereic pressure and our lung sacks and therefore air will flow into the repspiratory airways. I am trying to ...
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