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Questions tagged [mammals]

Questions related to mammals, animals that nurse their young, have a neocortex, and three middle ear bones.

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How fast does a mole move its claws into soil?

I was watching this video which reports on studies of the force involved when moles dig in soil. At around 0:30 seconds into the video you can see the mole typically pulls its paws back into the space ...
Tom's user avatar
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How do Addax defend itself from predators?

The addax (Addax nasomaculatus) is a critically endangered antelope adapted to live in extreme desert conditions. It has long impressive horns that can potentially serve as a weapon because they are ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Is there any evidence that mammalian ears can act as thermal receptors?

Some snakes have a "pit organ" capable of sensing infrared radiation. The structure is similar to a primitive pit eye. Snakes are cold-blooded and their prey is generally warm-blooded, so it ...
Roger Wood's user avatar
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Has there ever been a recorded incident of mule deer bucks raising fawns?

I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, there are two species of deer in CO, mule deer, and white-tailed deer. According to CPW: There are two species of deer ...
Curious Layman's user avatar
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Why are beavers not considered marine mammals?

They spend a lot of their lives in the water, they have fur, give live birth, have mammary glands etc...but my teacher mentioned that beavers have continually growing teeth (incisors) which supposedly ...
Devi's user avatar
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Why do damaged joints or ligaments experience inflammation? Why do physiotherapists try to stop inflammation as part of the healing process?

I have had the repeated experience of going to physiotherapists with injuries to ligaments or joints and they all expressly aim to reduce inflammation. I don’t understand this. Our mammalian (and ...
Grazlewacky's user avatar
11 votes
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Does interspecies breastfeeding occur in the wild?

Does interspecies breastfeeding occur in the wild? Say, for example, a zebra feeding a wildebeest, or a bushbuck feeding a gazelle. There is a Wikipedia page on this topic but it only shows animal-...
Samid's user avatar
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Is this scenario allopatric or sympatric speciation?

I stumbled over a speciation scenario but I am not able to say to which type it belongs. I guess for people more familiar with the theory it might be easy to tell. I was reading about the fin whale (...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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Why have mammalian predators been so small compared to their prey compared to theropod dinosaur predators?

So this is different than the question of "why are megafaunal mammals smaller than dinosaurs", which I understand to be a combination of: live birth limiting size (even sauropods had ...
Krupip's user avatar
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Have lions, tigers, and cheetahs begun to lose or not yet fully gained tree climbing traits?

Leopards, jaguars, and the domestic cat all regularly climb trees, but lions and tigers rarely do. From what I can tell from a basic online search, the latter are inexpert tree climbers, but they ...
user avatar
8 votes
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Why are animal's whiskers in a square lattice?

I was observing my cat up close when I noticed his whiskers were in a square lattice as a novice mathematician, took notice of it and wanted to know if any other animal had this peculiar feature, so I ...
Einsteinium's user avatar
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What mammalian species has the greatest relative variance in adult size?

The smallest adult chihuahuas weigh about 2 kg, and the largest adult English Mastiffs are around 104 kg, making them 52 times larger by weight. Of course, this enormous variance is the result of ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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Are animal whiskers a useful monitoring tool?

I have come across studies that have used stable isotope values from seal/sea lion whiskers to infer foraging ecology. However, I am also aware that whiskers can fall off and then grow back. Is there ...
EmmaL's user avatar
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Why is the sex ratio of male and female cats close to 50/50 (with males actually being more prevalent)?

According to this study from 1970, cats are about 50% male and 50% female. Furthermore, there appear to be about 100 male pedigree cats born for every 92 female cats. I couldn't find any info about ...
ribs2spare's user avatar
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What happens to quality of breast milk when twins of two different sexes are born?

It says here in Scientific American Mother's milk may be the first food, but it is not created equal. In humans and other mammals, researchers have found that milk composition changes depending on ...
Profile name's user avatar
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What are these animals, and what happened here?

While walking along the northern shore of Lake Ontario, I noticed the following strange scene: Here is a closer angle: What are these animals, and what is the likeliest cause of this?
416E64726577's user avatar
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Is there any species of mammals where males can feed the offspring with milk?

It seems to me that an evolutionary path where not only females, but also males could feed the offsprings is entirely plausible: the males anyway have niples, so it is easy for the offsprings to ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Why do fish and marine mammals need special low density adaptations for buoyancy?

When one reads about fish and marine mammals, it is always said that for example blubber of marine mammals helps them with buoyancy because it is so low density and similarly for example sharks have ...
user67748's user avatar
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To which ungulate species does this tooth remainder belong?

Found on the beach in Çanakkale, Turkey. I have found a lot of these, but this is the first one that has parts like long teeth. My other findings have sometimes 4, sometimes 6 tubes. Very solid, ...
Turin's user avatar
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What made this pile of tiny poops at the base of an old oak? Eastern Long Island, NY

I ran across three trees (all with cavities) that had mounds of these small droppings at their base. These were approximately 50-100 meters from the shore of a salt marsh on the east end of long ...
That Idiot's user avatar
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If massive animals live longer, why do humans with gigantism die younger?

What I mean is humans suffering from gigantism (type 1 neurofibromatosis, Marfan syndrome, X-linked dominant acro-gigantism, et cetera) rarely live more than 5 decades (50 years). The same can be said ...
mammifereviolet4694's user avatar
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Do whales ever just hang out on the surface breathing?

You only ever hear of whales surfacing for a brief second to exhale/inhale before they dive back down. But do they ever just stay at surface level, laying there with their blow hole up in the air, ...
o01's user avatar
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Have scientists tried to communicate with Sperm whales?

I see lots of passive studies of sperm whale click "language", usually focused on fingerprinting to identify groups and individuals. There's application of deep learning, and all sorts of ...
ZECTBynmo's user avatar
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Did mammals evolve from something with eusociality?

Eusociality (from Greek εὖ eu "good" and social), the highest level of organization of sociality, is defined by the following characteristics: cooperative brood care (including care of ...
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Do beavers' tails hurt from being dragged?

I understand that when beavers walk on land, they drag their tails behind them on the ground. Their tails look quite large and rather heavy, and the ground is often rough - does dragging the tail not ...
ajd's user avatar
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Bats observed hunting insect prey - any evidence of "handedness" (laterality) in circular flight pattern?

Whilst watching a bat hunting on the wing at dusk (most likely was a species common to my urban UK location, e.g. pipistrelle) its flight pattern around the garden comprised circles, several metres in ...
Jimbo's user avatar
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Specific mechanism behind lethality of yellow coat color in mice

Our high school genetics chapter has some extra information about L.Cuenot. It only covered his research, and the fact that mice homozygous for yellow coat color would die before birth. It was an ...
Amarylis Vaselaar's user avatar
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Mystery rodent in Winnipeg

I spotted this rodent in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on September 6, 2020. It is about 10 inches long. What is it?
User1974's user avatar
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What is the animal in Nosferatu movie? [closed]

I was watching Nosferatu, and this dog-like animal appeared, with very curious stripes. I was wondering if this is clearly a specific animal, and which one it is, or if it's too mixed up and low ...
msb's user avatar
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Why do mammals rarely have eyespots?

An eyespot is a marking to mimic the eyes. Many examples of eyespots can be found in fish, reptiles (including birds), and insects. Recently Radford 2020 has shown that artificial eyespots can reduce ...
Mys_721tx's user avatar
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What is the primary cause of death for small animals in urban and suburban areas?

Small birds (sparrows, robins, jays, finches) and mammals (squirrels, rats, opossums, raccoons) are a common sight in many urban and suburban communities with green space. However, I observe carcasses ...
GnomeSort's user avatar
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How does a sheep's fleece impact its tolerance for high temperatures?

I am interested in whether a sheep endures more stress when its environment is hot if it has a full fleece or if it is recently shorn. Put another way, at the extremes, is a sheep more likely to die ...
Jean-Paul Calderone's user avatar
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Has a primate species ever weighed the average mass of a tonne (1000 kg)?

I ask because primates are mammals from the euarchontoglires superorder. Most mammals that weigh a tonne are laurasiatherians (except for elephantids and their ancestors) (elephantids are afrotherians)...
mammifereviolet4694's user avatar
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What coronaviruses have been identified in racoon dogs?

Christian Dorsten says in an (Apr 26) interview in the Guardian that racoon dogs as [intermediate] source of coronavirues have been overlooked (in China): Q: What do we know about that intermediate ...
perfidious pidgeon's user avatar
-6 votes
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In north America is their mammals that can survive from falling from hundreds of feet? [closed]

Like animals have great attributes but is their any mammals that have unique attributes to survive such fate of death?
John Pass's user avatar
-5 votes
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Why animals haven’t yet evolve in 2020? [closed]

In past when I was born like 1990s I notice most animals haven’t evolved in 30yrs. Example cats haven’t gain more muscular body as to be strong to defend themselves from predators like well many ...
John Pass's user avatar
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Did my wildlife camera take pictures of coyotes?

A wildlife camera took these photographs of these animals. These are the only pictures my camera collected of them. This picture was taken in the central interior of British Columbia, Canada. The ...
Galen's user avatar
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Like Mother Cape Buffalo,do remaining mammal mother species also try to protect their babies from being eaten by predative animals?

Some statistics say that on earth there are approximately 5500 mammal species.I have seen a video of Mother Cape Buffalo protecting it's calf from being eaten by predative animals.Like Mother Cape ...
user's user avatar
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Why do some mammals have incomplete orbits?

I've noticed that a lot of carnivorous/omnivorous mammals (most, if not all the members of carnivora and some ancestral cetaceans), as well as some herbivores (marsupials), have incomplete orbits that ...
Nicholas's user avatar
3 votes
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Why are Aardvarks capable of burrowing given their size?

I was wondering if large animals could possibly dig extensive burrows for themselves to live in. The polar bear burrows, but snow is not dirt. The aardvark goes about 4' long, ~150 lbs: similar to a ...
Vir's user avatar
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Why are smaller mammals more prone to cancer and tumors

especially rats and mice usually develop cancer and tumors very fast, reducing their life expectancy. From an evolutionary point of view, how come that these mammals are so prone to cancer and tumors ...
Struggling_Student's user avatar
7 votes
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Are there any animals that are unable to hear the human voice?

Humans and animals have different hearing ranges. The frequency range of a human, for example, is stated with 20 Hz to 20 kHz, whereas the fundamental voice frequency is stated with 125 Hz for men, ...
Tausendsassa's user avatar
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Did any warm blooded animals evolve back into cold blooded?

Pretty much as title says - wondering if evolution can go from mammal back to reptile - either in theory or practice.
Jimmy Widdle's user avatar
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Eagles carrying off a goat to its nest: How heavy is the young goat? How strong is the eagle? Here is my guess:

I posted a related question, here, trying to identify the exact subspecies of animals. In the documentary El Hombre y la Tierra, a golden eagle carries off some sort of juvenile(?) goat. The Japanese ...
Sonny's user avatar
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What pigment is responsible for the formation of blue skin color in some animals?

Not long ago I read about Vervet monkey. Here's picture: My question is what causes this blue coloration of the scrotum? I don't mean evolutionary need (e.g. attracting females), but what pigment or ...
Mouvre's user avatar
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Why is there such a long interval between ages of sexual maturity and of reproduction in female chimpanzees?

There seems to be some disagreement on the ages at which female chimpanzees typically reach sexual maturity and when they typically first give birth, but regardless, different sources seem to agree ...
Michael MacAskill's user avatar
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Do animals like Seals feel cold on their skin?

Whenever there is a documentary about animals and you get to the colder regions, you will hear about Seals and their layer of blubber keeping them warm. But the skin is on top of the blubber, in ...
Parrotmaster's user avatar
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What kind of skull is this-I found it on the beach in Cape May

I am hoping someone can help identify this skull! We found it on the beach in Cape May. The skull size is about 4 inch in length. Thank you.
Avani Agarwal's user avatar
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Age until physical growth ceases, mammals

Fairly basic, but I am seeking a table showing how many years from birth it takes for the best-known mammals to stop growing. (Including the latest on humans - ie. 0-17..?).
Iain Sanders's user avatar
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What are the differences between mammal and insect digestion of cellulose?

I know that digestion of cellulose is difficult in mammals and requires a lot of steps. But I am fascinated by the idea of one day achieving human digestion of cellulose. Which got me thinking about ...
Gabriel Fair's user avatar
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