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Why have mammalian predators been so small compared to their prey compared to theropod dinosaur predators?

So this is different than the question of "why are megafaunal mammals smaller than dinosaurs", which I understand to be a combination of: live birth limiting size (even sauropods had ...
Krupip's user avatar
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Why do fish and marine mammals need special low density adaptations for buoyancy?

When one reads about fish and marine mammals, it is always said that for example blubber of marine mammals helps them with buoyancy because it is so low density and similarly for example sharks have ...
user67748's user avatar
5 votes
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The ermine's colour and geographical range

Ermines turn white during the winter, with only the tip of the tail remaining black. However, in the southern regions of the ermine's range it clearly doesn't get so white. Encyclopedia of Life says ...
nikopartanen's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Why do rabbits often have white hindquarters?

There are several species of herbivores that have a very visible white hindquarters: several kinds of deer, rabbits, antelopes, etc. Does the white fur serve a functional purpose, or is it purely ...
Boar's user avatar
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