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Questions tagged [marine-biology]

The study of organisms that dwell in the ocean or brackish waters.

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Is "dork" used by biologists to refer to a whale's penis?

Is "dork" used by biologists to refer to a whale's penis? My roommate brought this up in passing, citing unreliable internet articles. After reading the, wiktionary, & ...
breadsaiduser's user avatar
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How do whales swallow food underwater without drowning?

How do whales swallow food underwater without drowning? I know they have a valve that blocks the trachea while the mouth is open and that breathing is made from dorsal or parietal breathing holes or ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Why are polar seas rich with nutrients and plankton?

It is well known that baleen whales migrate to the polar seas to feed on plankton and krill (marine crustaceans). The question why are the polar seas rich with krill and plankton? If the answer "...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Which planktonic foraminifera are found in both the Arctic and the Antarctic?

I want to investigate the influence of glacial melting on the 18O signature of foraminifera shells. I want to compare the Arctic (which is melting rapidly) and the Antarctic (which has just started ...
Weiss's user avatar
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Why are beavers not considered marine mammals?

They spend a lot of their lives in the water, they have fur, give live birth, have mammary glands etc...but my teacher mentioned that beavers have continually growing teeth (incisors) which supposedly ...
Devi's user avatar
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Can you identify this marine organism?

I found this in a beach located at Magnisia District in Greece. I found many more like this stuck in rocks, this however was loose. It was a bit hard and very smooth to the touch. It didn't seem to ...
GeorgeTsak's user avatar
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What is the origin of the name Crassostrea gigas (pacific oyster)?

Context I am looking for a source that reveals the origin of the name "Crasssostrea gigas". This is an oyster also known under the common names giant oyster, Japanese oyster, Pacific oyster ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
1 vote
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What type of shell is this?(Answered)

This is Calcareus tube worm and Was found and Located on Culebra Island, Puerto Rico Picture 1: A up close image of the shell Picture 2: a view of the top part of the shell showing the shells coloring....
Katie Mulholland's user avatar
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What are these semi transparent pill-shaped things in the Mediterranean Sea?

I was swimming with gopro in Sardinia, Le Bombarde beach in early November and today was reviewing footage - I noticed that water is full of semitransparent whitish "pills", see pictures ...
Giedrius's user avatar
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Identification of Bone like subject found on Beach in santa cruz ca

I found this at the Beach in Santa Cruz California, it is about 2 inches long and at its widest it is about 1.5 inches wide and it weighs 3 grams, and I'm not sure what it is, Google Image search ...
justaguy209's user avatar
29 votes
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I am trying to identify this bone I found on the beach at the Delaware Bay in Delaware. It is 2 1/2 inches wide and 1 1/2 tall

This bone was found at Big Stone beach on the Delaware bay, Delaware. It weighs only 19 grams
Robert Sperduto's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a database for fossilized coral reefs that have been reported?

Given that coral lives only up to 5,000 years, and I assume marine biologists have maps of where all known living reefs are around the world for research and monitoring, where can I find information ...
SeligkeitIstInGott's user avatar
12 votes
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Identify blue/translucent jelly-like animal on beach

A few weeks back a beach in California had lots of this animal (if it is an animal?). Can anyone identify what it is? They had a distinct blue bottom and a see-through top.
JenserCube's user avatar
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What determines the color of the air sac of a Portuguese man o' war?

I know that the Portuguese man o' war is a colonial organism composed of many "zooids", one of which is the pneumatophore, which essentially serves as a flotation device for the whole colony....
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Identifying fish or shark jaw bone

I found this on the beach of coastal southern Maine in early March. The teeth are not a single row and lighter is for size comparison
Cheryl's user avatar
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What species is this white thin shell? Santa Cruz, California

These shells (see in green circle) are empty inside which look like very flat marble donuts/coins. The small ones are like dollar coins; big ones can be cup coaster-sized. It has beautiful five-fold ...
Code42's user avatar
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How are ray-finned and lobe-finned fish related in terms of their evolutionary history?

I'm trying to trace human evolution back to the first eukaryotic cells (as a tool to research the evolution of various bodily systems), and I understand that lobe-finned fishes are considered a key ...
Sean Holm's user avatar
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Please identify hard hollow structure found on beach

This washed up on the shore in NJ last week. It looks like a molar but I cannot find anything similar 1.75” across about 1/2 high. It has a weird indent too
2 votes
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Origin of holes at 800 m depth in the Mediterranean

From 8 to 12 small 2-3 cm holes in the bottom mud are forming rounds with a diameter of 20-40 cm. No tentacles or other body parts have been observed. Mediterranean sea, 600-1000 m. What are they?
Mikhail N's user avatar
8 votes
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Identification of a strange skull

My father is a fisherman in the Baltic sea, and he has found this very strange skull. I would like to know to which animal it belonged. Can someone help identify it?
BassAstral's user avatar
17 votes
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What's this stuff that looks like white chainmail armor growing on giant kelp?

I found some giant kelp coated with a material that is white, smooth, and forms a chain-mail pattern with small black oblong lumps in between the links. It feels pretty hard but not stiff (the kelp ...
Robert's user avatar
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How do algal blooms deplete oxygen? [duplicate]

How do algal blooms deplete oxygen and kill marine life? Don't they release, not consume oxygen as seaweed does? Different types of algae function differently in that respect, don't they? If they need ...
Sergey Zolotarev's user avatar
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How does Anabantoideis' labyrinth function? What does it look like?

Anabantoideis are fish with an organ that allows them to take oxygen directly from the air outside of water. However, I cannot find much on how this functions, nor can I find any clear image of what ...
E.UCIT's user avatar
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Marine invertebrate San Juan Islands, WA, USA

I noticed a green-colored marine arthropod in harbor in the US San Juan Islands (early July 2022, around noon), specifically Haro Strait, and took several pictures from the dock. The bug was ...
Maximilian Press's user avatar
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Found this under a rock at the beach, removed it carefully and couldn't find any other bones, must be a marine mammal of some sort

Does anyone know what this is? I know this is not a land mammal because [details needed]. Unknown skull found under rock at beach. No sign of eye sockets or jaw with teeth. I have no idea what this ...
Ewald Jordaan's user avatar
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What is this marine creature? Is this a fossil?

Found this on a beach on the East coast of India - Vishakhapatnam, India Is this a fossil? A coral? Its small enough to fit in my hand These tunnel-like structures are hard like rock/calcified ...
Polisetty's user avatar
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4 answers

Can whales send each other [3D] images?

Russell Arnott, apparently an oceanographer, who currently works as a project manager at the Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge University (UK), wrote in his piece Whales and Waves (2016, p.2): New ...
Araucaria's user avatar
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What unmanned monitoring techniques are available to measure coral reef health?

Most biological data for coral reef monitoring are collected by human observers. This could be resource-intensive for long-term studies and thus hard to maintain consistency on large spatial scale. ...
Karthik Ashok's user avatar
7 votes
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Why does biomagnification of mercury occur more in large fish?

I love tuna so this question has been bugging me senselessly. I am aware that larger fish tend to have more mercury concentration in their flesh than their prey, however, I don't understand how this ...
Jordan Regan's user avatar
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What types of sounds do sperm whales produce?

Sperm whales produce echolocation clicks, what are the other types of clicks and other sounds they can produce?
AWestell's user avatar
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How can this coral survive with little sunlight?

Forgive me if this question is off topic, but I’ve seen similar questions so I think it should be on topic. I’m at the beach currently, and I was looking in tide pools for interesting things. I found ...
Topcode's user avatar
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Which varieties of Aurelia aurita do not have a polyp phase?

According to this "In some Aurelia aurita, the polyp stage does not exist.", but they don't cite anything. Is there a resource detailing life cycles of various jellyfish or do I have to find ...
beardeadclown's user avatar
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Why do blobfish become bloated when they are brought to the surface?

There are several things that can happen to deep sea creatures that are brought up to the surface, but none of them explain why the blobfish becomes deformed. Blobfish don't have swim bladders, so ...
zucculent's user avatar
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What is this large, lively barnacle?

Yesterday I found this creature in a rocky cove in central California, around mid tide (+ 3 feet). It's about 3-4 inches long. At first I thought it was dead, but it closed its mouth when I removed ...
perigon's user avatar
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Cortisol in sharks

Is there an established method for measuring stress hormone levels, like cortisal, in sharks? If so, is it known what levels of such hormones create significant detrimental effects like decreased ...
Kerri's user avatar
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What are marine fungi like?

Particularly, what is their mycelium like and where exactly do they grow it? I imagine that their spores travel though water same as terrestrial fungi travel through air until they stumble upon solid ...
do.lora.fadina's user avatar
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What protein(s) bind together the calcium carbonate tiles in abalone shell to give it strength?

The articles that I've been able to find on the structure of abalone shells mention that they consist of calcium carbonate plates connected by proteins, but don't name the proteins. These proteins are ...
outis's user avatar
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Please, help identify this sea worm

It was found in Malta, in a puddle by the sea. It left a lot of tiny hair on the shoes (which we removed thoroughly without touching them). I didn’t have any coins with me so I put keys for scale.
Thomas's user avatar
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Why do fish and marine mammals need special low density adaptations for buoyancy?

When one reads about fish and marine mammals, it is always said that for example blubber of marine mammals helps them with buoyancy because it is so low density and similarly for example sharks have ...
user67748's user avatar
7 votes
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Deflated bag-like species on beach: Identification

I encountered this on a beach in Chandipur, along the Bay of Bengal in India. Quite a few of them were scattered in different locations. Identification of this controversial object is appreciated.
Solid - NMR's user avatar
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What are the current theories on how baleen whales make whale song?

Wikipedia does not provide many details1 on how baleen whales produce 'whale song', saying it's still a mystery. The linked Gizmodo article provides these paragraphs: Humpback whales, for example, do ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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does more biomass mean more energy?

I am a high school student and I am very confused about ecological pyramids. My textbook states that the biomass of zooplankton in an aquatic ecosystem is more than that of phytoplankton (I don't know ...
Arun Bhardwaj's user avatar
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Can anyone identify this fish?

I saw it in the sea very close to the beach in front of Starfish Hotel in St Lucia. It had some spines along its back and it seemingly had fins on each side that split open into 4. It used its front ...
dinoplaysrugby's user avatar
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Can Shark bodies be preserved?

Under normal conditions, Shark bodies, which are made of cartilage are not preserved and only the teeth can only be preserved. I searched whether Shark bodies can be preserved in ice and I got this ...
Tardy's user avatar
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Could you identify the species of this animal attaching to a fish in the Aegean Sea?

While wading within a few meters from the shoreline today, I observed and was observed by a number of curious fish. One of them had a blackish attachment, which was reminiscent of a small aquarium ...
Roman Riabenko's user avatar
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Why is this Sea Turtle yawning?

I found this video online of a Green Sea Turtle lying down on a sea sponge and letting out a big yawn. Here is a screenshot of the video, just incase the link doesn't work: As far as I understand, ...
Jimmery's user avatar
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Could the problem of overfishing be solved by throwing fertilized fish eggs at the right place and deepness into the sea? [closed]

I hear sometimes about over fishing and I wonder if the following idea could help to solve the problem. My idea is to throw fertilized fish eggs at the right place and deepness into the sea. These ...
user2602898's user avatar
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Octopus out of water

I was watching a YouTube video where a guy saw an octopus out of water. It was far from a puddle, and looked like it was struggling. He decided to help it get to the next puddle, so he picked it up ...
SlipEternal's user avatar
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Have orcas ever been observed to be eaten by another species?

Orcas are well known to prey on just about everything that lives in the ocean, even including great white sharks. Yet in a lot of cases I know that the food chain is not unidirectional, there are many ...
user2352714's user avatar
6 votes
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By what mechanism do cephalopods regrow limbs?

As far as I can tell, there are two types of limb regeneration: epimorphosis and morphallaxis. Epimorphosis is used by animals such as amphibians and various phyla of worms, while morphallaxis is used ...
roundwoodsmonster's user avatar

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