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Complete list of touch sensitive plants

I am not sure whether the word "touch sensitive" is precise enough. What I am looking for is a list of plants that respond to touch noticably like Mimosa Pudica. I only know of Mimosa Pudica example. ...
Ahmed Abdullah's user avatar
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Does Thymoquinone give cedar its distinctive smell?

What chemical gives cedar wood its distinctive smell? Is it the same that gives Nigella sativa its cedar-like smell? Schreiner, Linda et al., “What Does Wood Smell like? Characterization of Odorants ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Cattail seeds spring revitalization

There's a genus of plants known as Typha, or cattail. They have seeds like of dandelion, that form thick heads. Such a head may be cut off from the plant and be used for, say, decorative purpose, but ...
Usurer's user avatar
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What are some good examples of phonotaxis in plants and other inanimate beings?

Reaction to the sound waves by plants is commonly unobserved. A physical movement or chemical release examples due to phonotaxis would be good to know about.
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What are the most intelligent plants?

For intelligence lets adapt the definition from here: Perception of the surrounding environment Adaptation to environmental conditions Communication (in the case of plants, through chemical ...
discipulus's user avatar
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Are Hsp70 proteins only activated in response to heat shock?

Hsp70 proteins are chaperones that assist in protein folding in my plant physiology textbook it says the Hsp70 proteins were discovered by inducing heat shock. But do they only work in response to ...
jack's user avatar
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Can roots have cuticle, especially aerial roots?

In my school biology book, it is written that cuticle covers the epidermal cells in aerial parts of plants and root epidermis doesn't have cuticle. My question is that whether aerial roots, in plants ...
Amanda's user avatar
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Nastic movements in Insectivorous plants

Questions: What type of plant movement is shown by each of Sundew, Venus Flytrap and Pitcher Plant? What is the mechanism of the movement? Can a movement be both Chemonastic and Thigmonastic? If yes, ...
Asmit Karmakar's user avatar
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Does the difference in the height of artificial lighting affects the height of the plants?

I have some plants living on artificial lighting. I've noticed the following in the following two plants of the same species: This one was grown with lamps very close to it (~10cm). This one ...
Red Banana's user avatar