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Plasmid harbouring subunit S of type I R/M system

We have an assembly of a genome of a Lactobacillus species. The genome also contains a 7.5kb plasmid. Aside from the "usual plasmid genes" the plasmid contains: - toxin/antitoxin system - Subunit S ...
Michael's user avatar
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Reading annotations from a plasmid map

Can anyone explain why inside plasmid mapping software the annotations are layered under each other, I am confused as to why there are essentially two layers within the map, for example in the image ...
astrakid932's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Identifying the origin of replication of an unannotated *E. coli* plasmid

I have attempted a few searches for a list of origins of replication for plasmids in E. coli, but I was only able to find a list of origins, but not their individual sequences. The available plasmid ...
March Ho's user avatar
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Primer design for Gibson assembly

I'm trying to design a primer for Gibson assembly. My gene of interest is on a plasmid, and I want to copy that gene, and put it into a different plasmid. I am unsure how to design my primers for ...
Marco Howard Valencia's user avatar