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Migration of cut vs. non-cut plasmid on gel

As you might know there are 3 common forms of a plasmid: ccc-form (CCC), being supercoiled. oc-form (OC), being nicked and therefore relaxed. linearized form (L), being cut on both strands and linear....
Felix H.'s user avatar
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Can I pellet DNA back from dissolved state?

I have a dissolved plasmid pellet in water. Can I pellet it again by centrifuging it at 13000 rpm? If not, why?
RKK's user avatar
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When doing minipreps, do "good" plasmids produce more DNA than "bad" plasmids?

I've been doing minipreps for close to 10 years using the standard qiagen kits and DH5a e. coli. I typically do 24 minipreps at a time and then identify the good plasmids by enzyme digestion, PCR, ...
user137's user avatar
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What are the possible reasons to get extra unrecognized band in agarose gel electrophoresis?

I ran 0.7% agarose gel electrophoresis of my plasmid DNA sample consisting of GFP vector, using NheI and HindIII restriction enzyme. I used two types of plasmids, i.e., isolated by miniprep-alkali ...
M Rahman's user avatar
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Plasmid maintenance

I have obtained some plasmids used as integration vectors, this question may apply to all plasmids. I would like to have a somewhat continuos source for these plasmids, let's say that the origin of ...
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