Questions tagged [protocol]

A predetermined methodology for carrying out an experiment.

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22 votes
4 answers

Machine learning for light microscopy -- problems to solve?

I would like solve some biological problems that would improve the state-of-the-art of biology or bioinformatics. In particular, I want to apply machine learning on light microscopic images. The ...
days_of_good's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Time required for RNA precipitation in ethanol

I precipitated bacterial RNA during 1 hour at -80ºC after depleting rRNA with Ribo-Zero kit. Does more time lead to better results?
biotech's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Allergic rhinitis vaccine

Note : Any answer to this question will not be (and should not be) taken as medical advice. One of my friends has allergic rhinitis and has been prescribed an oral vaccine. He is allergic to 3 ...
biogirl's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

circularizing DNA molecules?

I have been reading about next-generation sequencing technologies that can sequence long reads. Even though the origin of my question is sequencing technologies, the question I am asking is about the ...
719016's user avatar
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