Questions tagged [renal-physiology]

The branch of physiology that deals with the kidneys, and their role in reabsorption, filtration, acid-base and electrolyte balance.

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Does the kidney regulate sodium balance or total body sodium

Imagine the following situation. You have a person who initially eats 10 mEq/day of salt. He then, at t=0 begins to eat 150 mEq/day of Na, and will continue to do so, because you're forcing them to, ...
to_change's user avatar
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Vasoconstriction and blood flow

The resistance in a blood vessel is equal to the pressure difference divided by the blood flow. Let us now say that a sympathomimetic causes vasoconstriction which increases the resistance. Does this ...
Rome's user avatar
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Will a 5nm diameter uncharged object make it through the renal glomerular filtration apparatus in humans?

Will a 5nm diameter uncharged object make it through the glomerular filtration apparatus in humans? I think that it should as I have read that the smallest fenestrations are about 10-15nm in size and ...
Hypnos Stratagem's user avatar
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How does the blood flow in the glomerulus when everything except plasma is drained out?

So I learned that in the glomerulus, everything smaller than the RBCs is filtered out, but I had learned previously that - Blood needs plasma, water medium to flow. So if its drained out into the ...
parth singla's user avatar
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Will renal blood flow decrease in response to dehydration?

If dehydrated, does the correction of ECF osmolarity happen slowly enough for ECF (and therefore plasma) volume to be temporarily depleted and therefore reduce renal blood flow? If dehydration is ...
pincushion44's user avatar
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Microalbuminuria in inflammation of urinary tract

Albumin is excreted into urine (albuminuria) in nephrotic syndrome and in certain inflammatory conditions of urinary tract.$^1$ How is inflammation in urinary tract related to increase in albumin ...
JM97's user avatar
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peritoneal dialysis Vs Hemodialysis?

Their are basically two types of dialysis: 1.peritoneal dialysis 2.hemodialysis, My Question is Why the peritoneal dialysis needs to be carried out on everyday BUT hemodialysis is carried out on only ...
katherinebridges's user avatar