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What is the origin of mammals X/Y sex determination system and what/when was the last common ancestor to possess these chromosomes?

I know many animals use an X/Y sex determination system, but not all of these animals use the same X/Y genes. That is to say the X/Y sex determination system has convergently evolved in many species, ...
dsollen's user avatar
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Empirical Measurements of Barr Body Ratio

'Both X-chromosomes in a female have an equal chance of becomes a Barr body in each cell.' Every source I can find on Barr bodies claims this and I can think of no reason for why it may be wrong. What ...
E Tam's user avatar
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Large study showing that attraction to only the same sex has to do with your genes, published where?

Can someone please help me out and find and link me the study from a couple of years ago that showed how only same sex attraction, when the male cant become attracted to a woman, it has to do with ...
Andy Ljunggren's user avatar
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What is the developmental and health outcome of an XY individual with an SRY addition on their X chromosome?

I know that "XX male" syndrome occurs through various means, including the addition of an SRY gene in one of the X chromosomes. The developmental and health outcomes of such individuals can be ...
Daniel Goldman's user avatar
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How widespread in the Animal Kingdom is Aromatization as the Process that Determines an Animal's Sex?

I shall summarize my lay understanding of my question before going into details. To my lay reading, the sex of a vast diversity of animal kingdom species can be thought of as arising from the extent ...
Selene Routley's user avatar
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How does X chromosome monosomy occur

I want to understand how Turner syndrome - monosomy X - occurs at the molecular level. The NIH mentions that there are cases of both complete monosomy and of mosaicism. I’m particularly interested ...
Forest's user avatar
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Number of alleles' variations in a mushroom that has over 20,000 sexes

I am trying to understand the mating behavior of a particular species of fungi known as Schizophyllum commune, or the split-gill. I found a blog post that explains the mechanisms that define the ...
Joonthan Wimbed's user avatar
17 votes
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Do males of all sexual species have Y chromosomes?

I know for instance some cells are sexual, so, this got me wondering, do the males of all species that have distinct sexes have Y chromosomes?
Stan Shunpike's user avatar
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Why is gynodioecy common and androdioecy rare?

Gynodioecy is when a population features individuals that produce both male and female gametes and individuals that produce just female gametes. Androdioecy is when a population features individuals ...
rg255's user avatar
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