Questions tagged [ultrasound]

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Most optically transparent muscle phantom?

I am trying to use Schlieren imaging techniques to visualize how a sound wave propagates through muscle tissue. In the past, when needing to experiment with muscle we would use an agar based muscle ...
Landon's user avatar
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Non-cavitating ultrasound for denaturation of short strands of DNA (~20 bp)?

I know that there is existing research on ultrasound-induced transient cavitation bubbles that mechanically denature DNA by generating violent shock waves locally in solution. I would like to know ...
Royce's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Why don't we hear ultrasonic sounds as aliased versions of the original signals?

The upper limit of hearing is approximately 15 kHz, dependent on age and other factors. According to the principles of digital signal-processing, such an upper limit would mean that the auditory ...
Bzrs's user avatar
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Acoustic characteristics of thoracic diaphragm

I am looking for any kind of information about the acoustic characteristics of the thoracic diaphragm. In particular, I'm looking for characteristics which will allow to differentiate it from other ...
Arrow's user avatar
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36 votes
1 answer

Does this recording sound like the pulses emitted by bats?

Out of curiosity, I recorded sounds in an area with lots of bats, hoping to be able to "hear" the bats communicating by lowering the ultrasound to a level down to the frequency which can be ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
40 votes
4 answers

Can humans perceive sounds above 20 kHz?

In the never-ending debate raging in the audiophile community about sound quality and what humans can or cannot hear, it is very very very very incredibly often cited that the upper-limit of the ...
landroni's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Are there echolocating insects?

Echolocation is the ability to obtain spatial information of the surroundings from echos generated by the animal. There are bats and other vertebrates that naturally use it. I was wondering if this ...
Memming's user avatar
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Are there any bacteria that can receive ultrasound signals?

I'm looking for an example of bacteria that could receive ultrasound (at any ultrasound frequency) signal and possibly perform some (re)action afterwards.
syntagma's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can stress echocardiography show coronary blood flow difference before and after exercise?

Stress echocardiography means a pair of cardiac ultrasound imaging examinations, before and after exercise. I assume that coronary blood flow is increased after exercise. Is cardiac ultrasound ...
winerd's user avatar
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1 answer

Can frequent ultrasound diagnostics be harmful?

Are there any short or long term effects apparent in tissues if a zone (or the whole) of human body is scanned with ultrasonic waves often?
user1306322's user avatar
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