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Questions tagged [uv]

Non-visible light with a higher energy and shorter wavelength than violet light, UV is notable for its ability to cause DNA damage.

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14 votes
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Are there specific conditions that allow humans to see ultraviolet wavelengths

It is fairly common knowledge that the lens in its normal state absorbs ultraviolet (UV) radiation. An interesting notion has come up from time to time in my reading that suggests there are a small ...
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8 votes
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Could being exposed to excess UV in the arctic lead to a human eye color change? If so, what is the mechanism?

The CBS News article Expedition Antarctica: A father and son's journey to save the planet says (in part): Thirty-two years ago, Robert Swan made history as the first person to walk to both poles. ...
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Is it safe to look indirectly at the Sun?

I.e., is exposure of sunlight onto the peripheral vision less damaging than exposure onto the fovea?
binaryfunt's user avatar