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How is gRNA produced for a CRIPSR experiment?

I might have misunderstood the way CRISPR-Cas9 experiment works, but what I understood is that, alongside other things, a gRNA is used to "guide" the Cas9-protein into:

  • Cut at the right position
  • Make the cell build a new DNA sequence at the position

I found a lot of examples of tools, such as CRISPRSeek, that are used to select gRNAs that will correctly guide the Cas-9 protein in accordance with the purpose of the experiment.

Now what I don't really understand is where does the gRNA comes from?

For an experiment, it is apparently bought to some companies. But how does they get it? My hypothesis:

  • Is it synthetized ? If yes, how?
  • Is it "taken" from organisms (wikipedia about gRNA mentions mitochondries), and if yes how?