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Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the carrier of genetic information, including for all known living organisms. The only known exceptions are RNA viruses.

7 votes
1 answer

Does extracted DNA degrade after a certain time period?

For direct use as template in PCR runs. Chelex 100 5-10% w/v extraction. Without listing the whole protocol, in the end the supernate is decanted off and then stored at 4°C. I was under the impression …
0 votes

What is a good non-fluorescent DNA dye?

Methylene blue? Certainly not as sensitive or specific as other options but it's cheap and does not fluoresce.
bobtheowl2's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Does an annealing temp higher than primer's Tm contribute to primer dimer?

I am attempting to reproduce results from a number of journal articles all referring to the same SNP. In doing this I'm using the same primer set outlined in the articles. When I attempted a run the o …
3 votes

What conditions should I use for Gel Red staining?

I don't think you should need to vary the concentration of the GelRed. Mine came with instructions for the exact concentration and how to dilute. Optionally salt can be added, which I did, and it ha …
bobtheowl2's user avatar